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React FX Library

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React FX is a flexible dependency injection and module management library for React applications. It provides a structured way to organize your application's dependencies, making it easier to manage complex state and side effects.


Just for fun. Inspired by https://uber-go.github.io/fx.

Table of Contents


npm install react-fx

Key Concepts

  • Modules: Self-contained units of functionality with dependencies and provided values.
  • FX Context: A React context that manages the state of all modules.
  • FX Provider: A component that initializes and provides the FX context to your app.
  • useFX Hook: A custom hook to access the resolved dependencies in your components.

Getting Started

Let's create a simple application using React FX with a logger, config, and API module.

  1. First, let's define our modules:
// configModule.ts
import { createFXModule } from 'react-fx';

export const configModule = createFXModule({
  name: 'config',
  dependencies: [],
  provides: {
    apiUrl: () => 'https://api.example.com',
    debug: () => true,

// loggerModule.ts
import { createFXModule } from 'react-fx';

export const loggerModule = createFXModule({
  name: 'logger',
  dependencies: [configModule],
  provides: {
      ({ config }) =>
      (message: string) => {
        if (config.debug) {
          console.log(`[Logger] ${message}`);

// apiModule.ts
import { createFXModule } from 'react-fx';

export const apiModule = createFXModule({
  name: 'api',
  dependencies: [configModule, loggerModule],
  provides: {
      ({ config, logger }) =>
      async (endpoint: string) => {
        logger.log(`Fetching data from ${endpoint}`);
        const response = await fetch(`${config.apiUrl}${endpoint}`);
        return response.json();
  1. Now, let's set up our main App component:
// App.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { createFXConfig, createFXContext } from 'react-fx';
import { configModule, loggerModule, apiModule } from './modules';

const FXModules = [configModule, loggerModule, apiModule];
const { FXProvider, useFX } = createFXContext<typeof FXModules>();

function App() {
  const fxConfig = createFXConfig(FXModules).withHooks({
    onStart: [() => console.log('Starting App')],
    onStop: [() => console.log('Stopping App')],

  return (
    <FXProvider config={fxConfig}>
      <AppContent />

function AppContent() {
  const { logger, api } = useFX();

  React.useEffect(() => {
    logger.log('AppContent mounted');
    api.fetchData('/users').then((data) => {
      logger.log(`Fetched ${data.length} users`);
  }, []);

  return <div>Hello, React FX!</div>;

export default App;

This example demonstrates how to set up a basic application using React FX. The configModule provides configuration values, the loggerModule provides logging functionality, and the apiModule provides a method to fetch data from an API.

Advanced Usage

React FX allows for complex dependency graphs and advanced module composition. Here are some advanced features:

  1. Module Decorators: Use the decorates property in your module definition to modify or enhance dependencies.

  2. Lifecycle Hooks: Implement onStart and onStop hooks in your FX configuration for setup and cleanup tasks.

  3. Lazy Loading: Modules can be dynamically imported and added to the FX context as needed.

  4. Testing: Easily mock modules for unit testing by creating alternative implementations.

API Reference

createFXModule<TName, TDeps, TProvides>(config)

Creates a new FX module.

createFXContext<T extends FXModuleDefinition<any, any>[]>()

Creates an FX context with the given module definitions.


Creates an FX configuration object from an array of modules.


A React component that initializes and provides the FX context.


A React hook that returns the resolved dependencies from the FX context.

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  • igorsheg