Little library which allows me to create canvas game prototypes (squares, circles, texts, all of that ;))
Right now it only supports drawing squares, I will be probably extending that when I need new functionalities.
npm install game-prototyper
To use library in your project, you have to include gamegine.js in your html file
<script src="node_modules/game-prototyper/prototyper2d.min.js"></script>
- a set of default values for drawing rectangle (config) -
- a set of default values for drawing circle (config) -
- draws rectangle on provided 2d context with provided config -
- generates canvas with provided width and height -
- generates canvas with drawn rectangle -
- generates canvas with drawn circle
For function parameters and default parameters, browse source code
If you have any suggestions for the library, write me an email ( or open new issue on github!