
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Game of Life Builder Library

This is a TypeScript library for creating and simulating Conway's Game of Life.


To install this library, simply run the following command:

npm install game-of-life-builder


To use the library, first, import it into your TypeScript file:

import { GameOfLifeBuilder } from 'game-of-life-library';

You can then use the GameOfLifeBuilder class to build a Game of Life instance.

const initialGeneration = [
  [false, true, false],
  [false, true, false],
  [false, true, false],

const builder = new GameOfLifeBuilder();
const game = builder
  .setAsClassicGameOfLife(3, 3)

// run the game for 10 iterations
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


The GameOfLifeBuilder class provides the following methods:

withInitialGeneration(initialGeneration: boolean[][]): GameOfLifeBuilder

This function sets the initial generation of a Game of Life instance.

  • initialGeneration: A two-dimensional boolean array representing the initial state of the cells in the Game of Life. Each element in the array represents a cell, and its value indicates whether the cell is alive (true) or dead (false). The dimensions of the array determine the size of the game board.
  • Returns: The method withInitialGeneration returns an instance of GameOfLifeBuilder.

withRules(rules: IGameRules): GameOfLifeBuilder

This function sets the rules for the Game of Life and returns a GameOfLifeBuilder object.

  • rules: An object that defines the rules for a game of life simulation.
  • Returns: The method withRules returns a GameOfLifeBuilder object.

setAsClassicGameOfLife(width: number, height: number): GameOfLifeBuilder

This function sets the game type as Classic Game of Life and returns a GameOfLifeBuilder object.

  • width: The width of the game board/grid in the Classic Game of Life.
  • height: The number of rows in the game grid.
  • Returns: The method setAsClassicGameOfLife returns an instance of GameOfLifeBuilder.

build(): GameOfLifeBase

This function initializes a Game of Life instance and returns it.

  • Returns: An instance of the GameOfLifeBase class after initializing it with the Init() method of the Game object.

Helper Function

The library also provides a helper function CreateBooleanArray to create a 2D boolean array.

CreateBooleanArray(x: number, y: number): boolean[][]

This function creates a 2D boolean array with a specified number of rows and columns.

  • x: The number of rows in the boolean array.
  • y: The number of columns in the 2D boolean array that will be created by the CreateBooleanArray function.
  • Returns: A 2-dimensional boolean array with x rows and y columns, where all values are initialized to false.


To see more examples of how to use this library, please refer to the Samples folder in the repository.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


If you find useful, consider supporting the project by making a donation via PayPal:

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  • alfredoagrar