$npm install gas-zenhub
# or
$yarn add gas-zenhub
🛠️ This is useful with gas-github!
import { Client as GitHubClient } from 'gas-github'
import { Client as ZenHubClient } from 'gas-zenhub'
function openIssue() {
const githubClient = new GitHubClient('org', 'repo', 'token')
const zenhubClient = new ZenHubClient('workspace', 123456789, 'token')
// open issue
const issueNo = githubClient.openIssue({title: 'gas-github-test', body: 'bodybody\nbodybodybody', labels: ['bug', 'documentation']})
// set estimate
zenhubClient.setEstimate(issueNo, 5)
// set epic issue
zenhubClient.setEpic(1, issueNo)
// move pipeline
const pipelines = zenhubClient.fetchPipelines()
zenhubClient.movePipelineTo(issueNo, pipelines.get('Backlog'))
Welcome contributions and feedbacks!