
3.1.0 • Public • Published

Gatsby GraphQl Gravity Forms Component

A plug and play component for parsing GraphQL Gravity Form data. Outputs a component using BEM classes, meaning all you need to do is style it.

To be used alongside gatsby-source-wordpress and wp-graphql-gravity-forms (version 0.10.0 up).

Uses React Hook Forms under the hood for all that good state management.

Apollo is baked in for handling the data submission.


# Install the component
yarn add gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms

# Or with NPM
npm i gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms

How To Use

  1. Add the component to your gatsby-config.js file.
  resolve: "gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms",
  options: {
    // This URL should be the same as you use for your
    // gatsby-source-wordpress options.
    url: "",
  1. Import the component and use it with a GraphQL query. Select the required form using its databaseId.
import React from "react";
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby";

import Layout from "../components/layout";
import GravityFormForm from "gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms";

const ExamplePage = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query formQuery {
      wpGfForm(databaseId: { eq: 1 }) {

  return (
      <GravityFormForm data={data} />

export default ExamplePage;

The ...GravityFormFields fragment is included within the gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms plugin.

This outputs the form that has been set up in WordPress - Gravity Forms. Ready for you to style it!

Tutorial on setup:

Passing in Preset Values

Sometimes you will want to conditionally set default values, or pass in data to hidden fields. This could be values for a user ID, or a current page.

This is handled by the presetValues prop.

<GravityFormForm data={form} presetValues={{ input_2: "My preset value" }} />

In the above example input_2 corresponds to the 2nd field added in the WordPress Gravity Forms edit page. This value can be found by clicking on the field and looking at the top right just under Field Settings.

WordPress Backend Not Allowing Submission

Having CORS issues?

Add the following snippet of code to your WordPress functions.php file.

Make sure to update the '' to your actual frontend. With no trailing slash.

add_filter( 'graphql_response_headers_to_send', function( $headers ) {
	return array_merge( $headers, [
		'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'  => '',
		'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE',
		'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true'
	] );
} );

Implementing Google reCAPTCHA

On your WordPress backend within the Gravity Forms settings set up reCaptcha. Follow the instructions provided by Gravity Forms.

Testing & Developing

Firstly, yes please! Any help would be great.

Developing Locally

To develop the component, you first need to link it to a Gatsby project. This is so you have an environment to work with. The Gatsby Default Starter is a good choice.

To Do

Field Components

  • [x] Input
    • [ ] Email - Confirmation Email
  • [x] Textarea
  • [ ] Select (half done, need to add default values)
  • [ ] Multiselect
  • [x] Number
  • [ ] Checkbox (half done, need to add default values)
  • [ ] Radio (half done, need to add default values and correct error placement)
  • [x] Hidden
  • [x] HTML
  • [x] Captcha
  • [x] Add masking to inputs
  • [ ] Section
  • [ ] Page
  • [ ] Date
  • [ ] File upload
  • [ ] Post Fields
  • [ ] Pricing Fields
  • [ ] Phone
  • [ ] Email
  • [ ] Configure error message (currently just 'An Unknown Error Occurred')
  • [ ] Integrate Success/Failure Handler from previous plugin

General Form

  • [ ] Honeypot
  • [ ] Save and Continue
  • [x] Add submit/error callback for custom use

Add Tests to Inputs

  • [ ] Input
  • [ ] Textarea
  • [ ] Select (half done, need to add default values)
  • [ ] Multiselect
  • [ ] Number
  • [ ] Checkbox (half done, need to add default values)
  • [ ] Radio (half done, need to add default values)
  • [ ] Hidden
  • [ ] HTML
  • [ ] Captcha


  • [x] Text Confirmation
  • [ ] Page Change
  • [ ] Redirect
  • [ ] Redirect query strings
  • [ ] Conditional Logic

Known Issues

  • [ ] Invalid phone number results in failed submission w/ non-descript general error message.

Package Sidebar


npm i gatsby-plugin-gravity-forms

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  • robertmarshall