
2.0.0 • Public • Published


Released under MIT license. gatsby-rehype-prismjs npm package version. PRs welcome!

Adds syntax highlighting to code tags in HTML fragments using PrismJS. This package is inspired by gatsby-remark-prismjs, the difference being that the content source is HTML instead of remark.

This plugin is part of the rehype collection and intended to be used with gatsby-transformer-rehype.


yarn add gatsby-transformer-rehype gatsby-rehype-prismjs prismjs

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-rehype`,
    options: {
      plugins: [
          resolve: `gatsby-rehype-prismjs`,
          options: {
            // All code blocks will be wrapped in an additional <div>
            // containter to allow for better styling. This might break
            // your current theme. You might therefore have to provide
            // additional styling classes (below is just an example).
            divClassNames: "kg-card kg-code-card",
            // Class prefix for <pre> tags containing syntax highlighting;
            // defaults to 'language-' (e.g. <pre class="language-js">).
            // If your site loads Prism into the browser at runtime,
            // (e.g. for use with libraries like react-live),
            // you may use this to prevent Prism from re-processing syntax.
            // This is an uncommon use-case though;
            // If you're unsure, it's best to use the default value.
            classPrefix: "language-",
            // This is used to allow setting a language for inline code
            // (i.e. single backticks) by creating a separator.
            // This separator is a string and will do no white-space
            // stripping.
            // A suggested value for English speakers is the non-ascii
            // character '›'.
            inlineCodeMarker: null,
            // This lets you set up language aliases.  For example,
            // setting this to '{ sh: "bash" }' will let you use
            // the language "sh" which will highlight using the
            // bash highlighter.
            aliases: {},
            // If setting this to false, the parser handles and highlights inline
            // code, i.e. single backtick code like `this`.
            noInlineHighlight: true,
            // By default the HTML entities <>&'" are escaped.
            // Add additional HTML escapes by providing a mapping
            // of HTML entities and their escape value IE: { '}': '&#123;' }
            escapeEntities: {},

Customize PrismJS theme

If you are using this plugin together with gatsby-theme-try-ghost, a default prism theme is already installed for you. Installing a CSS theme is only required, if used with other projects or if you want to change or customize the theme.

PrismJS ships with a number of themes that you can easily include in your Gatsby site. You can find these themes in node_modules/prismjs/themes/. To load a theme, you can require its CSS file in gatsby-browser.js, e.g.

// gatsby-browser.js

If your base theme is gatsby-theme-try-ghost, do not put the CSS file into gatsby-browser.js as it has unwanted side effects. Rather provide the CSS file in a specific location, so gatsby-theme-try-ghost can easily find it. Create a file with name prism.css and put it in the following location, so the default file is shadowed:

// in your base directory
└── gatsby-config.js
└── src/
    └── gatsby-theme-try-ghost
        └── styles
            └── prism.css

Dark mode

The standard theme that ships with gatsby-theme-try-ghost is already dark mode enabled. If you are using the standard themes, you should add some additional CSS for dark mode support.

Usage in HTML

Syntax highlighting is applied to HTML <code> blocks that are enclosed by a parent <pre> blocks.

    <code class="language-javascript">
        var app = express();

Inline code blocks

In addition to fenced code blocks, inline code blocks will be passed through PrismJS as well. If you set the inlineCodeMarker, then you can also specify a format style.

Here's an example of how to use this if the inlineCodeMarker was set to ±:

I can highlight css±.some-class { background-color: red } with CSS syntax.

This will be rendered in a <code class=language-css> with just the (syntax highlighted) text of .some-class { background-color: red }

Disable syntax highlighting

If you want to disable syntax highlighting in specific code blocks, use the none language.


PRs are welcome! Consider contributing to this project if you are missing feature that is also useful for others. Explore this guide, to get some more ideas.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2020 styxlab - Released under the MIT license.

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  • styxlab