This is a Gatsby source plugin to pull data from the Anilist GraphQL API. It is heavily based on the excellent gatsby-source-github (which I aslo use and cannot recommend enough) by Dustin Schau, who as far as I know came up with this stategy of connecting graphql databases. I modified this technique to work with the Anilist API with minimal changes.
npm install gatsby-source-anilist --save-dev
// In your gatsby-config.jsplugins: resolve: 'gatsby-source-anilist' options: queries: ` { MediaListCollection(userId: 122315, type:ANIME) { lists { name entries { id media { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } } isCustomList isSplitCompletedList status } } } ` ...
Where queries is an array of valid graphql queries for Anilist. These can be tested live in AniList's GraphQL Explorer.
Querying Data
Returned results are added to Gatsby's GraphQL nodes with the renaming convention from the original gatsby-source-gtihub. See David's description here for more information.
resolve: 'gatsby-source-anilist' options: queries: ` { MediaListCollection(userId: 122315, type:ANIME) { lists { name entries { id media { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } } isCustomList isSplitCompletedList status } } } `
{ allAnilistMedialistcollection { edges { node { id lists { name entries { media { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } } } isCustomList isSplitCompletedList status } } } }}