
0.0.3 • Public • Published


Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Gentics Mesh endpoint.

Example: @gentics/gatsby-mesh-example


  1. yarn add gatsby-source-mesh or npm i gatsby-source-mesh
  2. Make sure plugin is referenced in your Gatsby config, as in the example below
  3. gatsby develop

Testing plugin contributions

  1. cd to the Gatsby install you want to test your changes to the plugin code with, or clone @gentics/gatsby-mesh-example
  2. If you cloned the example or previously installed the plugin through yarn or npm, yarn remove gatsby-source-mesh or npm r gatsby-source-mesh
  3. mkdir plugins if it does not exist yet and cd into it
  4. Your path should now be something like ~/code/mesh/myKillerGatsbySite/plugins/
  5. git clone
  6. cd gatsby-source-mesh
  7. yarn or yarn && yarn watch in plugin’s directory for auto-rebuilding the plugin after you make changes to it—only during development
  8. Make sure plugin is referenced in your Gatsby config, as in the example below
  9. From there you can cd ../.. && yarn && yarn develop to test

Every time you rebuild the plugin, you must restart Gatsby’s development server to reflect the changes in your test environment.


In your gatsby config...

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-source-mesh`,
    options: {
      endpoint: `graphql_endpoint`,
      token: `graphql_token`,
      query: `{
           me {
           nodes {
            elements {
              schema {
              parent {
              children {
                elements {
              fields {
                ... on vehicle {
                  vehicleImage {
                    fields {
                      ... on vehicleImage {
                        image {
                ... on category {
                ... on vehicleImage {
                  image {

Gatsby’s data processing layer begins with “source” plugins, configured in gatsby-config.js. Here the site sources its data from the Gentics Mesh endpoint. Use an .env file or set environment variables directly to access the Gentics Mesh endpoint and token. This avoids committing potentially sensitive data.

Plugin options

endpoint Indicates the endpoint to use for the graphql connection. The graphql URL will also be used to select your project. Example:
token The API access token. By default the anonoymous user will be used.
query The GraphQL query to execute against the endpoint. The parent/children properties should always be added otherwise the relationships between the nodes can't be created. Currently only agreggation fields (nodes, users, roles...) can be used.

How to query : GraphQL

This source plugin will load all nodes of Gentics Mesh and transform them into gatsby nodes. If you want to load specific fields of a node you need to adapt the query within your gatsby-config.js and include the fields.

Current limitations

No automatic paging

The aggregation results will not be automatically be paged and thus only the specified amount of elements will be loaded. (default: 25)

You can however increase the page size this way:

  nodes(perPage: 1000) {
    elements {

Multilanguage support

Mutlilanguage support has not yet been tested.

You can however load all language variants of a node this way:

  nodes {
    elements {
      languages {
        fields {
          ... on vehicle {

length must be aliased

If you have a field named length it must be aliased to something else like so: myLength: length. This is due to internal limitations of Gatsby’s GraphQL implementation.

Other TODOs

  • Add better multilanguage handling


This source plugin is a modified fork of the gatsby-source-graphcms plugin.

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npm i gatsby-source-mesh

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  • pschulzk
  • tommazzo
  • leonadler
  • michaelbromley
  • jotschi
  • gentics-dev
  • netwarex