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0.0.1 • Public • Published


A library to provide gasless and signless transactions. By interacting with a Gear program via voucher, gasless backend and local account it allows users to make transactions without paying gas fees or signing on-chain transactions.


yarn add @dapps-frontend/ez-transcations


The gas fees, which are usually required to execute transactions on the blockchain, are covered by a gasless backend service provided by the dApp developer. When a user initiates a transaction, the backend issue a voucher for that specific user. This voucher effectively covers the gas cost for the transaction, allowing the user to execute it without having to pay any fees themselves.


Import GaslessTransactionsProvider from @dapps-frontend/ez-transcations in your index.tsx and wrap your application with it. You should pass the required arguments:

import { GaslessTransactionsProvider } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

  programId={'0x...'} // Program address
  backendAddress={'https://.../'}  // URL-address of the gasless backend
  voucherLimit={18} // Limit at which the voucher balance needs to be topped up


The package provides a useGaslessTransactions hook that returns a context with all required properties:

import { useGaslessTransactions } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

const gaslessContext = useGaslessTransactions();
const { voucherId, isLoading, isEnabled, isActive, expireTimestamp, requestVoucher, setIsEnabled } = gaslessContext;

voucherId - id of a created voucher for current account.

isLoading - a boolean value indicating whether the voucher is being created/updated at the moment.

isEnabled - a boolean indicating whether the gasless transaction feature is currently enabled (either by user or programmatically).

isActive - a boolean indicating whether the gasless transaction is currently active. This typically means that a voucher has been successfully created and is ready for use.

expireTimestamp - a timestamp indicating when the voucher will expire.

requestVoucher - a function to request the creation of a new voucher. This function typically triggers the process of creating a voucher and is used to initiate gasless transactions.

setIsEnabled - a function to toggle the isEnabled state. This can be used to programmatically enable or disable the gasless transaction feature within your application.

You can use voucherId to get all required details via methods provided with @gear-js/api.

Use signless-transactions

To streamline the process further, the frontend of the application creates a temporary sub-account for the user. This sub-account is granted the necessary permissions by the user to automatically sign transactions on their behalf. This means that users don’t need to manually sign each transaction with their private key, enhancing convenience. The main account issue a voucher to the sub-account to cover gas fees.

Signless transactions require the implementation of a session service for a program.

The provider can utilize either a Sails-generated program (for programs built with the Sails Library) or metadata (for programs built using the Gear library):

Sails program based provider

import { SignlessTransactionsProvider } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';
import { useProgram } from '@gear-js/react-hooks';
import { Program } from './lib';

function SignlessTransactionsProvider({ children }: ProviderProps) {
  const { data: program } = useProgram({ library: Program, id: '0x...' });

  return (
    <SignlessTransactionsProvider programId={'0x...'} program={program}>

Metadata based provider

import { SignlessTransactionsProvider } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

return (
  <SignlessTransactionsProvider programId={'0x...'} metadataSource={metaTxt}>


The package provides a useSignlessTransactions hook that returns a context with all required properties:

import { useSignlessTransactions } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

const signlessContext = useSignlessTransactions();

const { pair, session, isSessionReady, voucher, isLoading, setIsLoading, isActive, isSessionActive } = signlessContext;

Use gasless and signless transaction together

Combined Workflow:

  • The frontend generates a sub-account with limited permissions.
  • This sub-account then communicates with the backend to request a gas voucher.
  • The voucher is applied to the transaction, covering the gas fees.
  • The sub-account automatically signs the transaction, completing the process without requiring any manual input from the user.

EzTransactionsProvider implements logic that allows the use of gasless and signless transactions together, e.g. disabling gasless when signless is active and requesting a voucher before a signless session is created. It uses both the signless and gasless contexts, so it needs to be wrapped by GaslessTransactionsProvider and SignlessTransactionsProvider.

import { EzTransactionsProvider } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

return <EzTransactionsProvider>{children}</EzTransactionsProvider>;

The package provides a useEzTransactions hook that returns both gasless and signless contexts:

import { useEzTransactions } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

const { gasless, signless } = useEzTransactions();


To work with signless and gasless transactions together, sending transactions requires a sessionForAccount parameter and using pair as the sender's account. Also, the voucherId needs to be requested. usePrepareEzTransactionParams implements this logic:

import { usePrepareEzTransactionParams } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

const { prepareEzTransactionParams } = usePrepareEzTransactionParams();

const sendMessage = async () => {
  const params = await prepareEzTransactionParams();
  // Use these parameters to send a message to your program
  const { sessionForAccount, account, voucherId, gasLimit } = params;

UI components

The package provides components for enabling and disabling gasless and signless transactions.

import { EzSignlessTransactions, EzGaslessTransactions, EzTransactionsSwitch } from '@dapps-frontend/ez-transcations';

// Buttons
<EzSignlessTransactions allowedActions={allowedActions} />
<EzGaslessTransactions />

// Switch
<EzTransactionsSwitch allowedActions={allowedActions} />

allowedActions: string[] - A list of actions that the program allows for signless transactions.




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