Gen-RandInt-Array (For Client Side)
Gen-RandInt-Array is a helper function to help you generate an array with a length of your choice and given the min and max range as ±negPos
Compatible with both client-side and server-side environments.
Client-side Only
Install the Gen-RandInt-Array package with NPM:
npm install gen-randint-array
In your package.json, set "type" to "module" to enable you import an ES Module.
"type" : "module"
Or you can rename the javascript file the module is to be used to have the .mjs extension:
That is from index.js
to index.mjs
Now when that is done, in your application code, import the genRandIntArray()
method and assign the return value to a variable:
import genRandIntArray from 'gen-randint-array';
const array = genRandIntArray(10, 10); // Returns an array of 10 random values ranging from -10 to 10
The Gen-RandInt-Array helper function has zero dependencies.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
The Gen-RandInt-Array Project is released under the Apache License.