
0.1.2 • Public • Published

Generate a .gitattributes file from the command line when Generate's CLI is installed globally, or use as a plugin or sub-generator in your own generator to make it a continuous part of the build workflow when scaffolding out a new project.


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generate-gitattributes demo


Templates are customizable and can be overridden.

generate-gitattributes demo

What is "Generate"?

Generate is a command line tool and developer framework for scaffolding out new GitHub projects using generators and tasks.

Answers to prompts and the user's environment can be used to determine the templates, directories, files and contents to build. Support for gulp, base and assemble plugins, and much more.

For more information:

Command line usage

Install globally

Installing the CLI

To run the gitattributes generator from the command line, you'll need to install Generate globally first. You can do that now with the following command:

$ npm install --global generate

This adds the gen command to your system path, allowing it to be run from any directory.

Install generate-gitattributes

Install this module with the following command:

$ npm install --global generate-gitattributes

Running generate-gitattributes

You should now be able to run generate-gitattributes with the following command:

$ gen gitattributes

What will happen?

Running $ gen gitattributes will run the generator's default task, which writes a .gitattributes file to the current working directory, or the specified directory.

What you should see in the terminal

If completed successfully, you should see both starting and finished events in the terminal, like the following:

[00:44:21] starting ...
[00:44:22] finished ✔

If you do not see one or both of those events, please let us know about it.


To see a general help menu and available commands for Generate's CLI, run:

$ gen help

Running multiple generators

generate supports running multiple generators at once. Here is an example of a generator that works well with generate-gitattributes.


Run generate-dest before this generator to prompt for the destination directory to use for generated files.


generate-gitattributes generate-dest example

API usage

Use generate-gitattributes as a plugin in your own generator.

Install locally

Install with npm:

$ npm install --save generate-gitattributes

Register as a plugin

Inside your own generator:

module.exports = function(app) {
  // register generate-gitattributes as a plugin to add the gitattributes
  // task to your own generator

Run tasks

Programmatically run tasks from generate-gitattributes.

module.exports = function(app) {
  // adds the `gitattributes` task to your generator
  // run the `gitattributes` task
  app.task('default', 'gitattributes');

Visit the generator docs to learn more about creating, installing, using and publishing generators.


The following instructions can be used to override settings in generate-gitattributes. Visit the Generate documentation to learn about other ways to override defaults.

Destination directory

To customize the destination directory, install generate-dest globally, then in the command line prefix dest before any other generator names.

For example, the following will prompt you for the destination path to use, then pass the result to generate-gitattributes:

$ gen dest gitattributes

Overriding templates

You can override a template by adding a template of the same name to the templates directory in user home. For example, to override the .gitattributes template, add a template at the following path ~/generate/generate-gitattributes/templates/.gitattributes, where ~/ is the user-home directory that os.homedir() resolves to on your system.

What is "Generate"?

Generate is a command line tool and developer framework for scaffolding out new GitHub projects using generators and tasks.

Answers to prompts and the user's environment can be used to determine the templates, directories, files and contents to build. Support for gulp, base and assemble plugins, and much more.

For more information:

Getting started


Installing the CLI

To run the gitattributes generator from the command line, you'll need to install Generate globally first. You can do that now with the following command:

$ npm install --global generate

This adds the gen command to your system path, allowing it to be run from any directory.

Install generate-gitattributes

Install this module with the following command:

$ npm install --global generate-gitattributes


Run this generator's default task with the following command:

$ gen gitattributes

What you should see in the terminal

If completed successfully, you should see both starting and finished events in the terminal, like the following:

[00:44:21] starting ...
[00:44:22] finished ✔

If you do not see one or both of those events, please let us know about it.


To see a general help menu and available commands for Generate's CLI, run:

$ gen help


All available tasks.


Generates a .gitattributes file to the current working directory. The built-in template can be overridden.


$ gen gitattributes

Visit Generate's documentation for tasks.



Are you using Generate in your project? Have you published a generator and want to share your project with the world?

Here are some suggestions!

  • If you get like Generate and want to tweet about it, please feel free to mention @generatejs or use the #generatejs hashtag
  • Show your love by starring Generate and generate-gitattributes
  • Get implementation help on StackOverflow (please use the generatejs tag in questions)
  • Gitter Discuss Generate with us on Gitter
  • If you publish an generator, thank you! To make your project as discoverable as possible, please add the keyword generategenerator to package.json.


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2016, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.1.30, on August 17, 2016.

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  • jonschlinkert