work in progress
Just a wrapper on top of create-next-app cli to create nextjs applications with my own custom packages and configurations. This CLI creates a custom nextjs app with the following features:
- Graphql support integrated with react-query and Graphql Codegen
- TailwindCSS with a custom configuration and optimization.
- Nprogress integrated to improve ux in page transitions
- Prettier formatter integrated with eslint
- Jest integrated with @testing-library
- Cypress Setup
- Webpack alias and ts-paths
- Webpack Bundle analyzer
- node version > 12.20
npm install -g generate-next-app
yarn global add generate-next-app
Create a next app
Give it the project name and it will generate and configurate your nextjs application automatically
You can use the additional argvs to customize the tech stack.
- --debug: Log detailts about each command and step that is running.