A utility to generate TypeScript route definitions for Next.js projects. This tool supports both pages
(Page Router) and app
(App Router) structures, allowing you to create type-safe route definitions.
You can install the library using pnpm
, npm
, or yarn
pnpm add generate-router
The library provides a CLI tool to generate TypeScript route definitions. After installation, you can use the generate-router
npx generate-router ./pages ./types/routes.d.ts
This library overrides the types for Next.js's useRouter
(from next/router
and next/navigation
) and the href
prop of the Link
component. This ensures type safety and will result in TypeScript compilation errors if you try to use undefined routes.
// Correct usage
router.push('/about'); // Works fine
router.push('/user/123'); // Works fine
// Incorrect usage
router.push('/invalid-path'); // Compilation error
<Link href="/undefined-route">Invalid</Link> // Compilation error
To enable type overriding, add the --override
or -o
option when running the CLI:
npx generate-router ./pages ./types/routes.d.ts --override
# or
npx generate-router ./pages ./types/routes.d.ts -o
: Path to thepages
directory in your Next.js project. (Required) -
: Path to the output TypeScript definition file. (Required)
-o, --override
: Override Next.js router types to provide type-safe routing. When enabled, it adds type definitions fornext/router
modules. (Optional, defaults to false)
If your pages
directory contains the following structure:
├── about.tsx
├── index.tsx
└── user/
└── [id].tsx
Running the following command:
npx generate-router ./pages ./types/routes.d.ts --override
Will generate a file at ./types/routes.d.ts
with the following content:
// This file is auto-generated. Do not edit manually.
type StaticPaths =
| '/'
| '/about';
type DynamicPaths =
| `/user/${string}`;
type RoutePath = StaticPaths | DynamicPaths | `${StaticPaths}?${string}`;
// Next.js Router Type Overrides (when --override option is used)
declare module 'next/router' {
interface UrlObject {
pathname: RoutePath;
query?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | readonly string[] | undefined };
hash?: string;
interface NextRouter extends Omit<import('next/dist/shared/lib/router/router').NextRouter, 'push' | 'replace'> {
url: RoutePath | UrlObject,
as?: string | UrlObject,
options?: TransitionOptions
): Promise<boolean>;
url: RoutePath | UrlObject,
as?: string | UrlObject,
options?: TransitionOptions
): Promise<boolean>;
export function useRouter(): NextRouter;
declare module 'next/navigation' {
interface NavigationUrlObject {
pathname: RoutePath;
query?: { [key: string]: string | number | boolean | readonly string[] | undefined };
hash?: string;
interface NavigationRouter extends Omit<import('next/dist/shared/lib/app-router-context.shared-runtime').AppRouterInstance, 'push' | 'replace'> {
push(href: RoutePath | NavigationUrlObject, options?: { scroll?: boolean }): void;
replace(href: RoutePath | NavigationUrlObject, options?: { scroll?: boolean }): void;
query: { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined };
export { NavigationRouter };
export function useRouter(): NavigationRouter;
export function usePathname(): RoutePath;
export function useSearchParams(): URLSearchParams & {
get(key: string): string | null;
getAll(): { [key: string]: string | string[] };
declare module 'next/link' {
export interface LinkProps
extends Omit<import('next/dist/client/link').LinkProps, 'href'> {
| RoutePath
| {
pathname: RoutePath;
query?: {
[key: string]:
| string
| number
| boolean
| readonly string[]
| undefined;
hash?: string;
export default function Link(props: LinkProps): JSX.Element;
You can also define a script in your package.json
for easier usage:
"scripts": {
"generate:routes": "generate-router ./pages ./src/routes.d.ts --override"
Now you can run:
yarn generate:routes
Build: Run the Rollup bundler to create the production build:
pnpm run build
Test: Run Jest tests:
pnpm run test
├── src/
│ ├── index.ts # Entry point
│ ├── generator.ts # Core logic
│ ├── utils/
│ ├── fileUtils.ts # File utilities
│ ├── routeUtils.ts # Route generation utilities
├── test/
│ ├── generator.test.ts # Tests for generator.ts
│ ├── utils/
│ ├── fileUtils.test.ts # Tests for fileUtils.ts
│ ├── routeUtils.test.ts # Tests for routeUtils.ts
├── dist/ # Build output
├── package.json # Project configuration
├── jest.config.js # Jest configuration
├── rollup.config.js # Rollup configuration
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
This project is licensed under the ISC License.