What is generator-angular-fab?
This is a basic generator for an angular project. I enjoy using the official generator of the yeoman team, but I feel many unnecessary stuff is installed that a small or medium scale app does not need.
Also, read this, which I recommend for better angular coding:
This generator uses the angular-material project for the layout, ui components, animations, etc:
This generator ditches the directory structure of scripts and views:
app/|-- scripts/| |-controller files| |-factory files| |-service files||-- views/| |-html view files|
For a state structure that contains every file for each ui-state:
app/|-- states/| |-- stateName/| |-stateNameController.js| |-stateNameModel.js| |-stateNameView.html||-- js_components/| |-factories/| |-services/| |-directives/|
Install Yeoman
npm install -g yo
Install Generator
To install generator-angular-fab from npm, run:
npm install -g generator-angular-fab
Finally, initiate the generator:
yo angular-fab
GruntFile Tasks
grunt build
Creates a dist folder and compiles the necesarry files for a distribution package of the site or app.
grunt verify-js
Runs jshint to "compile" the controllers, models, factories, services, directives and the config files.
grunt copy-states
Copies the html files for each state that function as a view and pastes them inside the dist folder to properly update html /view modifications only.
Feel free to comment for any improvement, error, or just to say hi!