
Yeoman generator for AngularJS + Webpack with ES6 and SASS.
- Latest Webpack with Tree Shaking feature enabled
- Babel 6 with ES2017 features included
- Perfectly compatible with angularOcLazyLoad plugin
- SASS as CSS preprocessor
- Angular UI router as default router already included
- Optional installation bootstrap-sass source
- Optional angular modules installation
- All necessary webpack loaders already included (Sass, Images, Fonts, ngAnnotate, ngTemplateCache, etc.)
- Config has options for development and production mode
Use only webpack with npm. No external dependencies like bower, grunt, gulp...
Webpack@2 still in Beta and it may contain some bugs. Please, report them to Webpack developers directly.
, and webpack
Install required tools npm install -g yo webpack
Install npm install -g generator-angular-webpack-es6
Directory Layout
├── /e2e/ # End to End test folder │ └── main.component.spec.js # End to end test example ├── /config/ # Build config │ └── /webpack/ # Webpack config files │ ├── /environments/ # Webpack env dependent configs │ └── global.js # Global webpack settings for all envs ├── /dist/ # The folder for compiled output ├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities ├── /src/ # Source folder │ ├── /app/ # Application code │ │ ├── /components/ # Shared UI components │ │ │ └── /footer/ # Footer shared component. Place footer's styles, directives, templates here │ │ ├── /core/ # Shared angular services/directives │ │ │ ├── /directives/ # Shared directives │ │ │ ├── /services/ # Shared services │ │ │ └── /core.module.js # Import of all core components should be here │ │ ├── /pages/ # All pages-dependent content should place here │ │ │ ├── /main/ # Main page │ │ │ │ ├── /main.controller.js # Main page Controller │ │ │ │ ├── /main.controller.spec.js # Test file for main page controller │ │ │ │ ├── /main.html # Main page template │ │ │ │ ├── /main.module.js # Main page module │ │ │ │ └── /main.route.js # Main page routes │ │ │ └── /.../ # Other pages... │ │ ├── /index.bootstrap.js # Entry point. Import internal and external modules and bootstrap (RUN) angular application │ │ ├── /index.components.js # Define all your custom components here │ │ ├── /index.config.js # Function that will be triggered in Angular's "config" phase │ │ ├── /index.module.js # Main application's module │ │ ├── /index.routes.js # Describe only "otherwise" and async routes here │ │ ├── / # Function that will be triggered in Angular's "run" phase │ │ ├── /index.vendor.js # Import all vendors and 3rd party plugins here │ ├── /assets/ # Static content │ │ ├── /images/ # Images │ │ ├── /js/ # Extra libs folder │ │ └── /styles/ # Styles folder │ │ ├── /css/ # CSS │ │ └── /sass/ # SASS │ ├── favicon.ico # Application icon to be displayed in bookmarks │ └── tpl-index.html # Template for html-webpack-plugin that will be transpiled into index.html in /dist │── .babelrc # Babel config with presets and plugins │── .gitignore # List of files to ignore by git │── karma.conf.js # Karma config │── protractor.conf.js # protractor config │── spec.bundle.js # The bundle file for including in karma config │── package.json # The list of project dependencies and NPM scripts └── webpack.config.js # Bundling and optimization settings for Webpack
Create a new directory, and go into:
mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
yo angular-webpack-es6
, and select desired technologies.
Run npm start
or npm run dev
- to start development server on http://localhost:8080.
npm run build
- To make production-ready build run after few moments you will see build id dist
Unit testing
The app uses Karma to run the unit tests, which you can find near the test target (*.spec.js files). see example test in the above directory structure. For running these tests run this command in project directory:
npm test
This command will automatically watch for changes that happening in test files and rerun the test suite To disable the above behaviour , please check package.json file
End-to-end testing
The app uses Protractor, an end-to-end test framework designed for AngularJS apps, to the end-to-end tests, which you can find in the e2e folder.
Setup development environment for running end-to-end tests
- First make sure that you did
npm install
. - Download the necessary binaries for Selenium Server
npm run webdriver-update
. - Open onother command line and run the development server
npm start
and make sure the running port match the baseUrl port in protractor.conf.js file. - Finally run
npm run test:e2e
Example tests
Check the example test for unit tests using jasmin api in
All your unit test files must end with
Check the example test for e2e test in e2e directory.
Known bugs:
- Problem: Webpack2 unable to import function with only export default value.
Workaround: Use
import * as variable from "package"
instead ofimport variable from "package"
- Problem: Webpack3: ExtractTextPlugin and file-loader do not work with the use syntax. Link to the issue.
If you want to contribute:
- Fork repository and clone project to your machine
- Install npm packages and create new feature/fix branch
- Link local project to be able install generator with
from folder like from global installed package:npm link
- Make PR
- ...
- Add .dockerfile
Add example testing environment with karma and protractor- Add more dotfiles
Add better examples with lazy-loaded modulesAdded in 0.1.2Update to Babel6Added in 0.2.0