
0.1.4 • Public • Published


Install: npm install -g generator-backbone-laser

Make a new directory and cd into it:

mkdir my-new-project && cd $_

Run yo backbone-laser, optionally passing an app name:

yo backbone-laser [app-name]

Typical workflow

yo backbone-laser # generates your application base and build workflow
grunt serve # dev mode
grunt build # build for production code

Why do I go with Backbone + Marionette + Knockout?

I used to be an AngularJS user, but I had to scratch my head whenever its magic too much happens behind for me. Also it was heavy and the learning curve was too much for me.
I wanted to have non-opinionated thing with orchestrating awesome tools. After a lot of research and consideration, BMK suits my taste best as a result.

Is it a good Boilerplate?

I am not an expert. I am still learning many things.
However, I try all of my best to follow best practices.
I strongly believe modularization and grouping by feature layer, not MV layer is a right way to go.*

Styles Best Practices

  • Load via main.scss to correctly order styles
  • Contain your font with its own named folder in fonts
  • Always DRY and make use of SASS greatness
  • Seperate each line by css attribute for readability, No inline code
  • Inline code is only allowed in minification

Scripts Best Practices

  • Always create a module folder(+ submodules optionally)
  • Grouping and Separating by Feature (Feature Layer, No MV* Layer)
  • Router must not know about view.
    It only invokes one centralized controller(Application controller) and one method.
  • Application controller loads all the rest of controllers
  • Each module has only one controller
  • Application view is responsible for rendering many diverse layout forms(1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, and etc.)
  • Eaach module or each submodule has its own view, model, collections
  • If a module has any submodule, don't put anything in parallel with the module and put everything in submodules

What this generator does for you?

  • It demonstrates how to validate registartion form succintly with knockout & backbone & marionette!
  • It uses libsass which is faster than ruby sass
  • Liveload in Development Mode
  • The Fastest Optimzation in r.js
  • Caching is supported
  • Separation of dev and production code is well supported. take a look at build/index.html to learn to write code dependent on mode. build/index.html is automatically distributed to app/index.html and dist/index.html
  • Timezone Detection
  • Browser Language Detection and Translation of App with i18next plugin
  • Reset Style with Eric Meyer's Reset CSS
  • Font Awesome is ready
  • Shell scripting npm build command is ready out of command/
  • Test with Karma, Jasmine, and Sinon

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npm i generator-backbone-laser

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  • seoyoochan