A generator to scaffold out a shell script, with arguments, options and flags handling.
Table of Contents
First, install Yeoman and generator-bash using npm (node.js is assumed to be installed )
$ npm install -g yo$ npm install -g generator-bash
When starting a new generable-script project, you will want to: open up a terminal/command prompt, make a new folder, and navigate into it
$ mkdir my-generable-script-folder && cd $_
then, run the bash generator.
$ yo bash my-script.sh
Follow all the prompts and choose what suits you most for the script you would like to create. When you finish with all of the prompts, your generable-script will be created.
NOTE: You can also start with a basic blank project and add what you need later (see init)
Once finished, you will see a structure like below:
├── .my-script.sh # The folder containing all the snippets used to compose
| | # your script. The snippets are listed in the composing order
| ├── .header
| ├── .error
| ├── .log
| ├── .debug
| ├── .usage
| ├── .get_options
| ├── .get_arguments
| ├── .init
| └── body # The snippet where to put your own logic
├── .yo-rc.json # The yeoman config file where you can change your script config
| # faster than using the provided prompts
└── my-script.sh # Your generated script ready to be run
Congratulations! You should now have successfully created a generable-script project.
To start adding your own logic you can modify the body snippet and use the provided subgenerators to handle ARGUMENTs, OPTIONs and FLAGs and also the VERSION of your script. Under the hood, what these subgenerators do, is modifying the .yo-rc.json configuration file and once understood the mechanisms you can also modify directly this file to speed up the workflow or when there's no way with subgenerators to achieve a task for example: renaming an OPTION long or short name previously created with the main generator or with the option subgenerator.
NOTE: You should not modify the dotfiles under your generable-script folder, if you want to preserve the automatic usage generation and the correct input arguments/options reading
Note: Generators need to be run from the root directory of your generable-script (Where the .yo-rc.json is located)
Allows to add an input argument inside your script
$ yo bash:argument my-script.sh
Following the prompts you will choose your argument's variable name and the optional description to show into the generated usage.
Allows to add an input option inside your script
$ yo bash:option my-script.sh
Following the prompts you will choose your option's variable name, short/long name and the optional description to show into the generated usage.
Allows to add an input flag inside your script
$ yo bash:flag my-script.sh
Following the prompts you will choose your flag's variable name, short/long name and the optional description to show into the generated usage.
Allows to handle the version of your script following semver specs
$ yo bash:version my-script.sh patch
This will bump the patch version of your script changing the output of:
$ ./my-script.sh --version
Other possible values are: minor and major :
- minor) will bump the minor and reset the patch to 0 e.g. 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0
- major) will bump the major and reset the minor and the patch to 0 e.g. 0.2.1 -> 1.0.0
that respectively also reset the patch to 0 and both the minor and the patch to 0
Initializes a bare generable-script with no arguments, options nor flag. You can add them later by using the respective subgenerators or by properly modifying the .yo-rc.json
$ yo bash:init my-script.sh
The output will be
create my-script.sh
Called internally by every above described generators, it's the piece of code that converts the data stored into the .yo-rc.json into the final generated script. You should use this generator only when the .yo-rc.json has been modified manually to reflect the changes into the script.
$ yo bash:write my-script.sh
The output will be
conflict my-script.sh
? Overwrite my-script.sh? (Ynaxdh)
with the Yeoman's conflicter asking you to override the old script. Pressing return, the default Y will be passed and your script will be updated.
NOTE: This will also run chmod +x my-script.sh
Apache-2.0 / © Claudio Stella