This generator help you create django projects, apps, models and views very faster. See usage section for more information. This project based on yeoman generator.
npm install -g git://
Package contain next generators:
This generator will create a django project.
$ yo bro [<args>] [<options>]
First arg - project name;
Second arg - django database backend. One of this: postgresql_psycopg2
, mysql
, sqlite3
, oracle
Third arg - database user.
Four arg - database user password.
All this args is not required
This command create project with name blog
$ yo bro blog
Project will be have next file structure:
├─ client
└─ server
├─ apps
| └─
├─ libs
├─ contrib
├─ config
| ├─ settings
| | ├─
| | ├─
| | ├─
| | ├─
| | └─
| ├─
| ├─
| └─
├─ templates
| └─ base.html
├─ requirments.txt
This generator will create a django app in server.apps
directory. Also new app will be include to settings and root urlconf.
Note: before running this command move to project directory.
$ yo bro:sub <app_name> [<options>]
This command create app with name news
in .
$ yo bro:sub news
App will be have next file structure:
├─ models
| ├─ mixins
| | └─
| └─
├─ views
| ├─ mixins
| | └─
| └─
├─ factories
| └─
├─ admin
| ├─ mixins
| | └─
| └─
├─ tests
| ├─ models
| | └─
| ├─ views
| | └─
| └─
This generator will create a django model in server.apps.your_app.models
directory. For new model will be created admin class. If model containg field with name slug for this field will be created prepopulated field.
Admin and model classes will be imported in
Note: before running this command move to project directory.
$ yo bro:model <app_name:model_name> [<field_name:field_type[:arg1,arg2=val]> ...] [<options>]
Create model method save for next overriding. -
Set prepopulated field name for slug field. Use this option if field slug exist and prepopulated field name differs from name or title.
This command create model Blog
in app blogs
in .
$ yo bro:model blogs:Blog title:char slug:slug content:text publish:bool:default=True
File content for new file
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
class Blog(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("title"), max_length=255)
slug = models.SlugField(verbose_name=_("slug"))
content = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("content"))
publish = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_("publish"), default=True)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _("Blog")
verbose_name_plural = _("Blogs")
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
# your custom methods
Structure blogs
app after creating model:
├─ models
| ├─ mixins
| | └─
| ├─
| └─
├─ admin
| ├─ mixins
| | └─
| ├─
| └─
With help this generator you may create generic view for your model. Just enter your model name and generator create views for this model. Generator support next generic view: ListView
, DetailView
, CreateView
, UpdateView
and DeleteView
. You can tell the generator what kind of views you want to create with options.
Note: before running this command move to project directory.
$ yo bro:model <app_name:model_name> [<options>]
for createListView
for createDetailView
for createCreateView
for createUpdateView
for createDeleteView
set property paginate_by for class ListView usage this options with optionlist
, default value5
This command create all views for model Blog
(see this model in above).
$ yo bro:view blogs:Blog --list --detail --create --update --del
After this command will be executed, will be created five classes in file server/apps/blogs/views/
Also will be created new form class BlogForm
in file server/apps/blogs/forms/
and include in BlogCreateView
and BlogUpdateView
. This views will be included in urls conf (server/apps/blogs/
). With view BlogDetailView
will be created method get_absolute_url
in model Blog
. For this views also will be created base templates witch contain data about models.
New files:
# server/apps/blogs/views/
# server/apps/blogs/forms/
# server/templates/blogs/blog_detail.html
# server/templates/blogs/blog_form.html
# server/templates/blogs/blog_list.html
Changed files:
# server/apps/blogs/
# server/apps/blogs/models/
# server/apps/blogs/forms/
This project is developed with the financial support of
If you find errors or you know how improve this project please create issue in this page.