
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Compro Product Generator X (comppgx)

A Yeoman generator developed by Compro Technologies PVT LTD for generating awesome module or app boilerplates! Express, Mongoose , Mocha with scalability in mind and with Grunt and Bower sweetness..

Differences from similiar generators

The comppgx generator is built with scalability in mind.

Great experience for developers

The goal with the comppgx generator is to create a great, easy to use and maintainable project structure and development environment for backend web development.

Getting Started

Install Yeoman

$ npm install -g yo

Install the comppgx Generator Globally

$ npm install -g generator-comppgx

Do the magic:

$ yo comppgx

Run the app:

$ grunt serve

Don't forget that your mongodb server should already be running! (if you chose MongoDB in the generator)

What can the comppgx Generator do?

The comppgX Generator asks you what type of module you want to build, then you pick the parts you want from:

What you'll get:

  • A scalable directory structure (Todo list example included)
    • Not one directory per object type, which doesn't scale well, but instead one per REST mount point (backend).
  • A fully configured Gruntfile with livereload, testing etc.
  • Automounting of API routes using exctrl
  • Backend unit testing with Mocha and Chai!
  • Subgenerators to easy add new API's, etc. (see Subgenerator section below)
  • and more.. There's even more to come!

Try it out!




$ yo comppgx:api "<you new api name here>"

The generator will ask if you want to create a new Mongoose model as well.

More to come...

Package Sidebar


npm i generator-comppgx

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Last publish


  • harish_compro