dashi: data made delicious
Dashi is dashboard for interactive data visualizations, using dc.js and AdminLTE.
generator-dashi is a Yeoman generator for creating Dashi applications.
Assuming you have Yeoman installed, you can just run yo dashi
generator-dashi will
- stub out a new Dashi application
- sort out all the JavaScript dependencies
- drop some git config files in place
- set up some convenient Grunt tasks to support
- live reloading in your browser as you edit
- publish your app to GitHub Pages, with all the supporting files concatenated and minified.
Getting Started
In order to use generator-dashi, you need to have Yeoman installed. In order to install Yeoman, you'll need to have npm installed. Don't worry, it only seems like it's turtles all the way down.
The only tricky bit is getting npm installed. npm is installed as part of Node.js. However, instructions for installing Node vary by operating system and/or package manager.
For example, if you're using Homebrew on OS X, the following will take care of installing npm:
brew install node --without-npm echo prefix=~/.node >> ~/.npmrc curl -L | sh
> Finally, add `~/.node/bin` to your PATH (e.g., add `export PATH="$HOME/.node/bin:$PATH"` to your `.bashrc`)
However, most Mac or Windows users will probably want to install Node via one of the installers from [](
Most Linux users will probably want to use their systems own package manager to install Node. Have a look at [Installing Node.js via package manager]( As of this writing (2015-05-04), the current version of Node.js is 0.12.2.
Once [npm]( is installed, go ahead and install the Yeoman toolset:
npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
To install generator-dashi from npm, run:
npm install -g generator-dashi
Finally, initiate the generator:
yo dashi
Be patient, this can take a bit while npm is fetching dependencies. The whole install seems to take about two minutes for me.
Next steps
Now, just add data to taste.
Some useful commands:
grunt serve
will serve up your Dashi app and support live reloading in your browser.
Next, you'll probably want to start editing app/index.html
and app/main.js
to customize your app.
will package everything up, concat and minify your css, javascript, etc., run your tests, and
drop everything in your dist/
grunt gh-pages
will push the contents of dist/
to your gh-pages branch, letting you host your
Dashi app on GitHub (if you're using GitHub, of course).
Apache License, Version 2.0
During development you'll want to symlink your local development copy of
generator-dashi (so that yo dashi
uses your local development copy and not
the npm released version). From within the root of your development copy of
generator-dashi (i.e. cd /home/eddies/generator-dashi
npm link
To check if there are newer versions of dependencies, regardless of package.json constraints, use npm-check-updates:
Install with npm install -g npm-check-updates
and then to check, use npm-check-updates
For bower-managed dependencies, use bower list
Firstly, you'll need to have a user account on npm. Then, assuming you're ready to release version number "x.y.z":
npm version x.y.z -m "Version %s"git push && git push --tagsnpm publish