
0.0.5 • Public • Published

Dynamics 365 Kickstart

This Yeoman generator allows you to quickly generate a Visual Studio Solution with the required components for working with Dynamics 365 CE. It includes a plugin, workflow, and scripts project. The scripts are based on the DAXIF framework from Delegate A/S. This allows you to quickly deploy plugins and workflows from your code without having to use other tools.

Our generator is still currently in development. As we will add features to allow you to generate a webresources project. I would also like to add a YAML build file to allow us to quickly setup build and release pipelines for new projects.

Why has this generator been created

We created this to quickly deploy new projects and limit our setup time. This allows us to quickly start with writing the business code instead of spending a lot of time on the setup.

When a new teammember joins us this will allow him to setup up a project as well. Because of this generator we can be sure that all our projects work in the same way.


Here is a quick intro in how to install the generator.


  1. Node.js
  2. NPM -> This is installed togheter with Node.js
  3. Yeoman npm install -g yo
  4. .NET Core SDK


After you have installed all the requirements you can install our generator by running the following command. npm install -g generator-d365


Now you can run the generator inside the folder you want from your terminal yo dyn365

Once you answer all the questions you will have a basic project that you can start developing with.

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npm i generator-dyn365

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  • kevintempels