Yeoman generator for quickly building modern web apps using Gulp, Browserify, and Babel
This generator is meant for quickly iterating on projects and not suitable for production level environment.
What's inside?
- Gulp
- Bower
- Browserify with Watchify support
- livereload via BrowserSync
- Sourcemaps for styles and scripts
- ES6 & React Support via Babel
- Sass Compilation via Libsass
- Twitter Bootstrap - Sass/Css version
- Modernizr
- jQuery
- Quick deploy to Github Pages
- node.js >= 0.12
- Node-Sass >= 3.2 for Sass compilation
If you need to install node-sass
$ npm install -g node-sass
Getting Started
$ npm install -g yo # Install Yeoman (if you don't have it yet)...
$ npm install -g generator-hackathon-webapp # ...then install this generator...
$ yo generator-hackathon-webapp # ...and run it.
Gulp Tasks
- Run
gulp serve
to preview and watch for changes - Run
to build your webapp before deploying - Run
gulp serve:dist
to preview the deploy build
- Github Pages:
- Project must have Github Repo
- Default project expects 'origin' remote
- Run
gulp deploy
to build and deploy your app to the gh-pages branch of your repo - For more options gulp-gh-pages