Angular HorsePower
Made to coincide with the more mature horse_power gem for Rails. Run the base generator after scaffolding out your angular project. Be sure to edit the config files with your own data.
-A work in progress
Creates the file structure for the application. Be sure to copy the script tags from app/scripts/modules to your index.html It also copies over common libraries that the rest of the app uses and creates a simple user class that copies over the controller and views for both normal login and facebook login. appName is the name of your angular.js app.
yo horse-power [appName]bower install --save restangular angular-ui-routergrunt build:js
Creates a model that has the crud routes already created. Call the generator like so
yo horse-power:model note message:string from:integer to:integer date:timestamp
Creates a standard controller [Name]Ctrl'
yo horse-power:controller appName Main
Creates a standard service [Name]Service'
yo horse-power:service appName Main
In case you are working with ionic etc and didnt use the yeoman angular generator. There is an option to only copy over the libraries. --onlyLibraries You have to create the views yourself.
grunt build is acting up. Use grunt build:js instead