A Yeoman generator for developing a webapp with Bower, Gulp, jQuery, Karma with Jasmine, RequireJS, Ruby Sass with Compass & scss-lint, living style guide generator with Hologram, Travis build and Heroku deployment.
🚣 Getting Started
You'll need the Bundler Ruby gem before you start.
- Install this generator as a global module:
npm install -g generator-ironhide-webapp
- Initiate the generator:
yo ironhide-webapp
- Install the Ruby gems manually:
bundle install
This will be automated in future release.
⭐️ Features
Gulp build system
All the Gulp tasks are neatly organized into a tasks
They provide the following benefits:
- Image minification with imagemin
- JavaScript linting with ESLint
- JavaScript & JSON minification with UglifyJS
- RequireJS optimization with r.js optimizer
- JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine running via Karma
- JavaScript test coverage reporting with Istanbul
- Live reloading with BrowserSync
- Sass compilation with Compass
- Sass linting with scss-lint
- Living style guide generation with Hologram
They also give out operating system notifications when they are completed or have errors.
Jasmine and Karma are setup to work with RequireJS modules.
Automated build and deployment
Out-of-the-box support is available for automated builds on Travis CI. Travis is also configured to deploy directly to Heroku on the free tier, whenever you push a Git tag.