
1.0.4 • Public • Published


A Yeoman generator that uses Mighty Mail to build responsive HTML emails.


npm install yo gulp generator-mighty -g


mkdir emailproj
cd emailproj
yo mighty
yo mighty:email my-email


To update a Mighty project to use the latest generator scaffolding run the following.

npm update generator-mighty -g
yo mighty

Follow the promps and choose to overwrite each file when asked.

NOTE: gulpfile.js, gulp.config.js, template.html and package.json will be replaced. Make the appropriate backups if you wish to migrate any of your changes into the new files.

The Generators


yo mighty [--sass]

If the command line option --sass is specified then the SASS styles from Mighty Mail will be copied to the root of the email project. Otherwise the LESS styles from Mighty Mail will be copied to the root of the email project. All styles will be copied to the styles directory.

The following structure will be generated for your Mighty project:


The Mighty project generator scaffolds a new Mighty email project. Mighty projects use gulp as a build system and comes with a custom gulpfile that takes care of the following tasks:

  • Linting and compiling all JSX files
  • Inlining Reactjs components into the HTML document.
  • Compiling LESS or SASS stylesheets.
  • Embedding CSS into the HTML document.
  • Inlining CSS via Campaigin Montior's CSS inliner tool (must have internet).
  • Bundling email(s) in ZIP archives for distribution.
  • Producing a local development verison of each email for rapid testing.
  • Producing a testing verison of each email for testing with Eamil on Acid or Litmus.
  • Producing a production verison of each email for distribution.
  • BrowserSync integration for even faster development.

In addition to a gulpfile that performs the above tasks there is a gulp.config.js file that exposes configuration variables for easy configuration of these tasks.

Note: You must have gulp installed globally in order to run the gulpfile.

npm install gulp -g


The following tasks are available to you out of the box.

gulp build

Builds all emails in the emails directory.

gulp bundle

Builds and bundles all emails in the emails directory.

gulp build:watch

Builds all emails each time any source file changes (i.e styles, components or emails). Usefule if you are not using BrowserSync.

gulp serve

Serves the mighty project at http://localhost:3000 and reloads web page each time any source file is modified. This task requires you to install BrowserSync: npm install browser-sync --save-dev

For Windows users see this article:

gulp compile:styles

Compiles the LESS or SASS styles defined by gulp.config.styles to CSS. Saves to gulp.config.compiledStyles.

gulp compile:components

Compiles all custom components defined by gulp.config.src.components.files to gulp.lib.

gulp compile:emails

Compiles all emails defined by gulp.config.src.emails.files to gulp.dest + '/html'.

gulp lint

Runs ESLint on all JavaScript files (emails, components and lib modules).

gulp update

A convenient way to update a mighty project to the latest and greatest. This task will also update the global NPM module generator-mighty. This task will prompt you to replace your gulpfile.js, gulp.config.js and package.json. Make backups you wish to preserve and migrate any changes you may have made prior to running this task.


yo mighty:email {email name}

This generator will create a new Reactjs email defintion in the emails directory of a mighty project.


yo mighty:component {ComponentName}

This generator will create a new React component in src/components. The component will be stubbed out to render a <table> with a single <td> rendering the component's children. Emails can then use these components by requiring them from lib/components.

var MyButton = require('../lib/components/MyButton');

Mighty Mail

The React components used by all emails is provided by the open source Mighty Mail project. For more details on each component please read the docs for this project.

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npm i generator-mighty

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  • dschnare