Yaap-Express generator for Yeoman
This generator scaffolds a basic web-application with a backend powered by Wire.js with Yaap. With yaap-extensions, a spring-like annotation-based development and dependency-injection is possible. (think @Autowired) Additionally, the yaap-express plugin for wire.js allows for easy creation of dynamic services similar to spring mvc.
Getting Started
To install generator-yaap-express from npm, run:
$ npm install -g generator-yaap-express
Finally, initiate the generator:
$ yo yaap-express
What You Get
This will be generated for you, if you choose to develop a rest-based service:
│ app.js (the wiring context is setup here)
│ config.json (server configurations)
│ server.js (express server setup)
│ dashboard.js (example rest-controller)
│ messageService.js (service class from service-layer)
└───public (static content)
│ index.html (example angular application)
│ yeoman.png (example static content)
│ │ application.js (example angular controller)
│ │
│ └───lib (3party browser libs go here)
│ └───angular
Alternatively, this generator can create a webapplication with server-side rendering (using Jade).