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1.0.22 • Public • Published

GenericSuite AI for ReactJS (frontend version)

Welcome to GenericSuite AI, a comprehensive software solution designed to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflows. This repository contains the frontend part of GenericSuite AI, equipped with AI ChatBot tools, a customizable CRUD editor, login interface and a suite of tools to kickstart your development process.


  • AI ChatBot tools: to implement Chatbot conversations base on NLP (Natural Language Processing), LLM (Large Language Models) and other AI technologies like ChatGPT.
  • Customizable CRUD editor: core CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) code that can be parametrized and extended by JSON configuration files. There's no need to rewrite code for each table editor.
  • Customizable menu: menu and endpoints can be parametrized and extended by JSON configuration files in the backend side. The API will supply the menu estructure and security check based on the user's security group, and GenericSuite will draw the menu and available options.
  • Customizable Login Interface: Easily adapt the login page to match your brand identity with the App logo.
  • Development and Production Scripts: Quick commands to start development or build your application for QA, staging production environments on AWS.
  • Testing with Jest: Comes pre-configured with Jest for running tests, including an initial test for the <App /> component.
  • Inclusion of Essential Files: .env.example for environment variables setup, Makefile to short-cut frequent operations, webpack.config.js and config-overrides.js to run the App locally with Webpack or react-app-rewired, scripts with development and production scripts, and for tracking changes across versions.

The perfect companion for this frontend solution is the backend version of The GenericSuite AI.

GenericSuite AI (frontend version) is based on The GenericSuite.

Getting Started

Visit the GenericSuite Documentation for details about getting started, pre-requisites, installation, configuration, structure and operation.


Check the The GenericSuite usage for more details.



GenericSuite AI is open-sourced software licensed under the ISC license.


This project is developed and maintained by Carlos J. Ramirez. For more information or to contribute to the project, visit GenericSuite AI on GitHub.

Happy Coding!

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  • tomkat_cr