Welcome to geowords
Tool for encoding geographic coordinates as sequence of words from bip39 or other dictionary
🏠 Homepage
Command line interface
yarn global add geowords
npm install --global geowords
> geowords encode 23 23 4
ship add travel abstract
> geowords decode ship add travel
22.9998779296875 22.9998779296875
> geowords decode ship add
22.939453125 22.8515625
Encode or decode geographic coordinates:
geowords encode [lat] [lon] [words] [options]
lat latitude [required]
lon longitude [required]
words number of words [default: 4]
geowords decode [words...]
words coordinates encoded as words [required]
--dict select embedded dictionary ( bip39 | doi )
[default: "bip39"]
--dictFile load dictionary from file [string]
Generate dictionary
geowords dictionary [sourceFile] [dictFile]
sourceFile file containing text to create dictionary from [required]
dictFile file to save dictionary to [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--minWordLength minimum word length [default: 3]
--maxWordLength maximum word length [default: 10]
--maxLength maximum dictionary length [default: 4096]
--format output format ( list | json | esm )[string] [default: "list"]
📄 API Documentation
Install package
yarn add geowords
npm install --save geowords
Run tests
npm test
- Website: https://www.laszczewski.com
- Github: @MLaszczewski
- LinkedIn: @michał-łaszczewski
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
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📝 License
Copyright © 2022 Michał Łaszczewski.
This project is BSD--3--Clause licensed.
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