Try to find the VS7 buildtools path via COM or registry
As of VS7 (a.k.a. Visual Studio 2017) Microsoft recommends to query the VS setup state via COM, but not everybody is fluent in COM, and not every langugae has COM bindings, so I creted some scripts that utilize Windows builtin tools to query this information. All resolved information is printed to stdout in an easy to parsed format e.g.
C:\code\0tni\get-vs7-path> Tools\try_powershell.cmd
InstallationPath: D:\bin\dev\VS\2017\BuildTools
Product: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools
SDK: 10.0.14393.795
There are 3 scripts
will try to JIT compile some C# code that calls COM, and prints the interesting stuff to stdio -
will try to find a C# compiler to compile the query then run the generated exe -
will look for undocumented registry traces