You don't need create all getters and setters in your class, only create attributes and comment it for display in your IDE.
Include GettersAndSetters class where you need:
include 'GettersAndSetters.php';
Extend it on all classes that you need:
class Test extends GettersAndSetters {}
Use protected attributes to it can be manipulated:
class Test extends GettersAndSetters {
protected $name;
If you want methods can be displayed in your IDE, use the PHPdoc on attributes:
class Test extends GettersAndSetters {
* @method typeOfReturn getNameOfAttribute() optionally description
* @method typeOfReturn setNameOfAttribute($value) optionally description
protected $nameOfAttribute;
and use:
$test = new Test();
echo $test->getNameOfAttribute();
//Result display is: Test
The GettersAndSetters is created and maintained by Khwesten Heiner. Heiner is a senior FullStack web developer at MeuTutor and Locadados.
The GettersAndSetters is released under the MIT public license.