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0.1.4-rc.7 • Public • Published

Gfx Spreadsheet Component

React datagrid that is more focused on data. Made from extending ReactGrid to render dynamic cell properties based on input properties.


const View = () => {
  const sheetRef = useRef(null);
  const data = [
    { name: 'lele', check: false, gender: 'male', },
    { name: 'yeye', check: false, gender: 'female', },
  const option = {
    includes: [ 'name', 'gender', ],
    columnType: { gender: 'dropdown', },
    valuesMap: { gender: ['male', 'female', ], },

  const getSheetData = () => {
    ref.current && ref.current.getData();
  return (


Typings for props used by Spreadsheet For context, CellLocation are Reactgrid interface that state current active cell location. In gfx-spreadsheet cell value can be accessed with sheetData[cellLocation.rowId][cellLocation.columnId].

export type SpreadSheetProps = {
  sheetData?: DataRow[];
  sheetOption?: {
    // cell type columnType[key] for DataRow[key]
    columnType?: SpreadSheetColumnOption;
    // list of enum values for DataRow[key]
    valuesMap?: Record<keyof DataRow, any[]>;
    // if provided, only show column included in list
    includes?: (keyof DataRow)[];
    // column size started from first non 'header' column
    columnSize?: number[];
    // additional column, each component will be rendered as button cell
    rowActions?: Record<string, RowAction>,

    // custom option component for 'dropdown'
    // map column key to custom option that will be rendered
    customOption?: Record<keyof DataRow, React.FC<any>>;

    // custom value component for 'dropdown'
    // map custom key to value component that will be rendered
    customSingleValue?: Record<keyof DataRow, React.FC<any>>;

    // custom header label
    headersLabel?: Record<keyof DataRow, string>;

    // Intl format options
    // for 'date' cell type
    dateFormatOptions?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
    // for 'time' cell type
    timeFormatOptions?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
    sheetLocale?: string;

    // map column name to be readOnly
    readOnly?: Record<keyof DataRow, boolean>;
    // dynamically set readonly column with callback
    calculateMap?: Record<keyof DataRow, (row: DataRow, sheetData: DataRow[], location: CellLocation) => DataRowValue>;

    // dynamically set validation function and error function
    validateMap?: Record<keyof DataRow, CompositeCellValidation[]>;

    // map column to function (optionItem, row) => callback
    // function will be used as callback in Array(valuesMap[dataKey]).filter(callback)
    valuesFilter?: Record<keyof DataRow, ValuesFilter>;

    // add icon to spreadsheet header
    headerIcon?: { [key: string]: React.FC<HeaderIconComponentProps> }

    // Function that handles the scroll event in the Spreadsheet component. Run the callback when reach the bottom row.
    scrollListener?: () => void;

    // An object that maps column names to tooltip text when hover the header
    headerTooltipText?: Record<keyof DataRow, string>

    // setting style of tooltip text pop up when hover the header cells
    headerTooltipStyle?: React.CSSProperties
  • sheetData sheetData are array of object. We use typings DataRow[].
    _idx are reserved for row index and generated automatically on Spreadsheet render
    Each key, excluding _idx, in DataRow will be used as column name and are assumed uniform in each row.

    type DataRow = {
      [key: string]: string|boolean|number|Date|null
    } & {_idx?: number};
  • sheetOption As default sheetData will be rendered as text cell with stringified value. Controlling spreadsheet are mostly assigning properties related to key values in DataRow

    • columnType, mapping column name to cell types Cell types from ReactGrid: 'header', 'text', 'number', 'date', 'time', 'checkbox', 'dropdown'
      Extended cell types: 's_header', 's_creatable'

      • 's_header', kinda "read-only" cell, edit mode enabled with extra steps
      • 's_creatable', based on 'dropdown', using ReactSelect Creatable to provide adding new option. For this column type, new value added in one cell will be provided on others.
      const columnType = {
        // columnName: 'columnType',
        name: 'text',
        age: 'number',
        gender: 'dropdown',
    • valuesMap, list of options value for cell type dropdown and s_creatable.

      const columnType = {
        gender: ['male', 'female', 'apache helicopter', ],
    • includes, list of rendered column, use case for changing certain column value

      const includes = ['name', 'gender', ];
    • columnSize, assigning column width started from first non header column. Length of columnSize doesn't have to match with rendered column counts.

      const columnSize = [300, 70];
    • rowActions, mapping of action that will be executed exclusively on row

      export type ButtonComponentProps = {
        text: string;
        onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => any;
      type ButtonAction = (e: React.MouseEvent, row: DataRow) => any;
      type RowAction = {
        text: string;
        action?: ButtonAction;
        component?: React.FC<ButtonComponentProps>;

      currently, ButtonAction are non-mutating method. example for this use case are navigation button, where delete row or other method that change spreadsheet state are not developed yet. Example

          rowActions: {
            goto: {
              text: 'Goto',
              action: (e, row) => gotoPage(,
    • headersLabel, mapping of custom column header label

      const headersLabel = {
        gender: 'Person Gender',
    • readOnly, mapping of read-only column

      const readOnly = {
        gender: true,
    • for date and time cell type in the spreadsheet, general formating using Intl pass dateFormatOptions, timeFormatOptions, and sheetLocale to sheetOption

      const dateFormatOptions = {
        day: '2-digit',
        month: '2-digit',
        year: 'numeric',
      const timeFormatOptions = {
        hour12: false,
        hour: '2-digit',
        minute: '2-digit',
        second: '2-digit',
      const sheetLocale = 'en-ID';
    • calculateMap, where column are set as read-only, callback function can be set to dynamically set cell value

      const calculateMap = {
        distance: (row, sheetData, location) => {
          return Number(row.endPoint) - Number(row.startPoint);
    • validateMap, mapping of each column to validation functions validations functions are list of object. each object has callback where message are sent back fn returns true

      const validateMap = {
        distance: [
            fn: (location, data) => data[Number(location.rowId)][location.columnId] === undefined,
            message: 'Cannot be null',
    • validationCellStyle, set CellStyle for cells where validation function returns true. Default value set to { backgroundColor: 'red' }.

    • valuesFilter, mapping column to function with optionItem and row as parameters returning boolean value optionItem are item of valuesMap[columnId] each function can be used as callback to filter valuesMap based on current row value implemented as example Array.from(valuesMap[columnId]).filter(valuesFilter[columnId])

      const titleReference = {
        "mr": {
          gender: 'male',
        "sir": {
          gender: 'male',
        "mrs": {
          gender: 'female',
        "ms": {
          gender: 'female',
        "madam": {
          gender: 'female',
      const valuesMap = {
        gender: ['male', 'female', 'apache helicopter', ],
        title: Object.keys(titleReference),
      const valuesFilter = {
        title: (optionItem, row) => {
          if (!row[gender]) {
            return true;
          return titleReference[optionItem].gender === row['gender'];
    • initialSheetStyle, simplified mapping CellStyle to each cell. Each mapping consisted of pair cell ranges & cell style object in array [string, CellStyle]

      "<rowIdA>-<rowIdB>:<colIdA>-<colIdB>" --> 1-3:name-age
      style in range of columns of single row
      "<rowId>:<colIdA>-<colIdB>" --> 1:name-age
      style in range of rows of single column
      "<rowIdA>-<rowIdB>:<colId>" --> 1-3:name
      style single row indefinitely
      "<rowId>:" --> 1:
      style single column indefinitely
      ":<colId>" --> :name


      const initialSheetStyle: [
        // NOT IMPLEMENTED: applying style in particular cell range
        ['1-3:age-title', {
          color: 'red',
          background: 'green',
          paddingLeft: '0',
          overflow: 'scroll',
          // border: { left: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, top: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, bottom: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, right: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, }, // cellstyle border are broken since v4.0.4
        // NOT IMPLEMENTED: row style
        ['1:', {
          color: 'red',
          background: 'green',
          paddingLeft: '0',
          overflow: 'scroll',
          // border: { left: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, top: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, bottom: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, right: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, }, // cellstyle border are broken since v4.0.4
        // column style
        [':age', {
          color: 'red',
          background: 'green',
          paddingLeft: '0',
          overflow: 'scroll',
          // border: { left: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, top: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, bottom: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, right: { color: 'blue', width: '25px', }, }, // cellstyle border are broken since v4.0.4
    • headerStyle, setting CellStyle for header cells.

    • headerIcon, add icon specific column in spreadsheet header. Each property is a function that returns a React component with event handler for each icon component.

      headerIcon: {
                gender: (data) => (
                    onClick={() =>
                      console.log(`filter click with props = ${data}`)
                age: (data) => (
                    onClick={() =>
                      console.log(`pencil click with props = ${data}`)
    • scrollListener, Function that handles the scroll event in the Spreadsheet component. It fetches new data from the server and adds it to the existing data in the spreadsheet.

      // create useref for infinitescroll page refrence
      const pageRef = useRef({ page: 1, hasMore: true })
      const getData = async ({ page,limit}: {
        page: number;
        limit: number;
      }): Promise<DataRow[]> => {
        let response = await fetch(
        let data = await response.json();
        return data;
      sheetOption={{scrollListener: async () => {
        if (pageRef.current?.hasMore) {
          let newData = await getData({ page: pageRef.current?.page + 1, limit: 10 })
 = pageRef.current?.page + 1
          if (newData.length > 0) {
          } else {
            pageRef.current.hasMore = false
    • headerTooltipText, An object that maps column names to tooltip text when hover the header.

      headerTooltipText: {
        name: "person name tooltip, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
        additional: "additional tooltip, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto, nostrum?",
        gender:"gender tooltip",
    • headerTooltipStyle, setting style of tooltip text pop up when hover the header cells. React.CSSProperties

      headerTooltipStyle: {
        color: "orange",
        backgroound: "black",
        top: "100%",

Accessing spreadsheet state

If reference is provided, spreadsheet state can be accessed with these exposed methods.

  • ref.current.getData() returns current spreadsheet values in cell types.
  • ref.current.getSheetOption() returns current spreadsheet options sheetOption.
  • ref.current.getColumns() returns list of spreadsheet column properties
  • ref.current.getHeaderMap() returns list of current spreadsheet header labels
  • ref.current.getRows() returns rendered spreadsheet entity (?)
  • ref.current.getValuesMap() returns sheetOption.valuesMap shorter of getSheetOption().valuesMap.
  • ref.current.getColumnSize() returns sheetOption.columnSize shorter of getSheetOption().columnSize.
  • ref.current.getStyleState() returns CellStyle mapping for each cell
  • ref.current.addRow() Adds a new row to the spreadsheet. This function creates a new row object with empty values for each column, and adds it to the data array. If a focus state is provided, the new row will be inserted below the focused row.
  • ref.current.removeRow() Removes a row from the spreadsheet. If a row is currently focused, the function will remove that row from the data array and update the cell states accordingly.
  • ref.current.getCellChanges() Returns an array of cell changes.
  • ref.current.sortData(sortKeys: string[]) Sorts the data in the spreadsheet based on the given sortKeys (array of string). Each string can start with a "-" to indicate descending order. (ex:["name","-age"]).
  • ref.current.addNewData(newData: DataRow[]) Adds new data to the spreadsheet, the new data follow the DataRow[] format.
  • ref.current.undo() To revert the spreadsheet to its previous state, you can use the Undo command instead of the Ctrl + Z shortcut.
  • ref.current.redo() To restore the spreadsheet to its more recent state, you can use the Redo command instead of the Ctrl + Y shortcut.
  • ref.current.duplicateRow() Make a duplicate of the focused row and insert it below.
  • ref.current.cancelEdit() Reset the spreadsheet to its original state, but perserve changes state (can redo all change). If using infinite scroll need to set = 1 and pageRef.current.hasMore = true
  • ref.current.getRefReactGridState() get current state of reactgrid component
  • ref.current.clearCellChanges() Prevent users from undoing or redoing changes by clearing the cellChanges.

Cell Formula

For text cell, you can enter Excel formula that will be parsed by HyperFormula into value. Due to difference in design, addressing data are not in AB12-style but using string template of {{row[colName]}} and {{sheetData[idx][colName]}}.

This reason will also limit how the formula to be parsed. List of available formula syntax are listed here.


  • =IF({{row['name']}} = "lele", "true", "false")
  • =IF({{row['age']}} = 0, "true", "false")
  • =CONCATENATE("{{row['name']}}", "{{sheetData[0]['age']}}")


  "react": "18.2.0",
  "react-select": "5.7.0",
  "@silevis/reactgrid": "4.0.4",




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  • thejatmik