A CLI tool to search and install fonts from https://fonts.google.com/
npm install -g ggfonts
Syntax: ggfonts [options] [command]
-v, --version display version number
-h, --help display help for command
config [options] Config Google Fonts API Key. If no API key is provided, a pre-downloaded Google Fonts metadata will be used.
update Update Google Fonts metadata
search [options] <name> Search font
install <name> Install font
help [command] display help for command
Follow instructions to get API Key from https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/developer_api
Syntax: ggfonts config [options]
Config Google Fonts API Key. If no API key is provided, a pre-downloaded Google Fonts metadata will be used.
-k, --key <key> API Key
-h, --help display help for command
# Set your API key
ggfonts config -k YOUR_GOOGLE_FONTS_API_KEY
# Remove API Key and use the default config
ggfonts config
Syntax: ggfonts update [options]
-h, --help display help for command
ggfonts update
Syntax: ggfonts search [options] <name>
name font name.
-m, --max <result> max result limit (default: 10)
-h, --help display help for command
# Full-text search is supported
ggfonts search 'op san'
# [INFO] Search font by keyword: op san
# [INFO] Found 2 fonts:
# [INFO] 1. Open Sans
# [INFO] 2. Ropa Sans
ggfonts search -m 5 rains
# ggfonts search -m=5 rains
# ggfonts search --max 5 rains
# ggfonts search --max=5 rains
# [INFO] Search font by keyword: rains
# [INFO] Found 7 fonts:
# [INFO] 1. JetBrains Mono
# [INFO] 2. Noto Serif Balinese
# [INFO] 3. Noto Traditional Nushu
# [INFO] 4. Racing Sans One
# [INFO] 5. Saira Semi Condensed
# [INFO] ... and 2 more results
Usage: ggfonts install [options] <name>
name exact font name.
-h, --help display help for command
ggfonts install 'Open Sans'
# Suggest the font name based on the input if no font matches
ggfonts install fira
# [WARN] No font found with name: fira
# [INFO] Search font by keyword: fira
# [INFO] Found 13 fonts:
# [INFO] 1. Finger Paint
# [INFO] 2. Fira Code
# [INFO] 3. Fira Mono
# [INFO] 4. Fira Sans
# [INFO] 5. Fira Sans Condensed
# [INFO] 6. Fira Sans Extra Condensed
# [INFO] 7. Flow Circular
# [INFO] 8. Fontdiner Swanky
# [INFO] 9. Fredericka the Great
# [INFO] 10. Noto Kufi Arabic
# [INFO] ... and 3 more results
- Linux: Debian-based OS, Arch-based OS, CentOS, Alpine, Fedora
- macOS
- Windows
- Linux:
- macOS:
- Windows:
- Linux:
- macOS:
- Windows:
- Linux
- Debian-based OS:
- Arch-based OS:
- CentOS:
- Alpine:
- Fedora:
/usr/share/fonts/[Font Name]
- Debian-based OS:
- macOS:
- Windows:
wouldn't be possible without using the following modules:
Licensed under MIT