A Node module to get the latest published full release for the Github repository.
const ghLatestRelease = ; ;
url: '' assets_url: '' upload_url: '{?name,label}' html_url: '' id: 2265953 tag_name: 'v1.0.6' target_commitish: 'master' name: '' draft: false author: login: 'es128' id: 1740641 avatar_url: '' gravatar_id: '' url: '' html_url: '' followers_url: '' following_url: '{/other_user}' gists_url: '{/gist_id}' starred_url: '{/owner}{/repo}' subscriptions_url: '' organizations_url: '' repos_url: '' events_url: '{/privacy}' received_events_url: '' type: 'User' site_admin: false prerelease: false created_at: '2015-12-10T14:01:28Z' published_at: '2015-12-10T14:04:19Z' assets: tarball_url: '' zipball_url: '' body: 'Updated node-pre-gyp to 0.6.17'
npm install gh-latest-release
const ghLatestRelease = ;
ghLatestRelease(ownerRepo [, options])
ownerRepo: String
-separated owner and repository names, for example → 'es128/ssl-utils'
options: Object
(gh-get options)
Return: Promise
It makes an API request to get the latest release information, and returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with a JSON object if successful, otherwise rejected with an error.
Copyright (c) 2016 Shinnosuke Watanabe
Licensed under the MIT License.