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Simply import the SentenceGenerator class, add syllable types and letter classes!

Letter classes are one-letter-named objects of letters and their corresponding weights.

For example, if you have two classes, named C and V (consonants and vowels respectively), they may look like this:

const classes = {
    C: {
        'b': 10,
        'c': 20,
        'd': 5,
        'g': 50
    V: {
        'a': 2,
        'o': 1,
        'u': 3,
        'i': 0

Here we can see that the letter g will be the most frequent consonant, 10 times as frequent as d and 5 times as frequent as b, for example.

In vowel department, u will be the most popular vowel, followed by a and then o. i will not be generated at all, since it has a weight of 0.

Syllable types are combinations of letter classes, they are also weighted.

To continue the above example, we will create two syllable types: open (consonant + vowel) and closed (consonant + vowel + consonant):

const syllableTypes = {
    CV: 100,
    CVC: 33

CV will be the most frequent syllable type (e.g. ba or du), while CVC (e.g. bad, guc) will be three times as rare.

In order to add your letter classes and syllable types, simply add them into the constructor parameter, like so:

const sg = new SentenceGenerator({
    classes: {
        C: {
            'b': 10,
            'c': 20,
            'd': 5,
            'g': 50
        V: {
            'a': 2,
            'o': 1,
            'u': 3,
            'i': 0
    syllableTypes: {
        CV: 100,
        CVC: 33

Then you can generate separate syllables, words and even sentences (as the package name implies):

console.log(sg.generateSyllable()) // prints "gub", CVC
console.log(sg.generateSyllable()) // prints "go", CV
console.log(sg.generateSyllable()) // prints "du", CV
console.log(sg.generateWord()) // prints "gagu", CV+CV
console.log(sg.generateWord()) // prints "cu", CV
console.log(sg.generateWord()) // prints "gugbucug", CVC+CV+CVC
console.log(sg.generateSentence()) // prints "Gogo cubgugo bugu, ca dubgu gucagu gaggugu ga gugog, gu bucuba co gobug, guc gagucgu"
console.log(sg.generateSentence()) // prints "Cacu gugogo dagbaggub coga gugo"
console.log(sg.generateSentence()) // prints "Gu gabuc gogu, guc gug gabugu"

Also, you can modify settings such as word length and sentence length:

const sg = new SentenceGenerator({
    wordOptions: {
        minSyllables: 5, // minimum random word length (in syllables)
        maxSyllables: 15 // maximum random word length (in syllables)
    sentenceOptions: {
        minWords: 1, // minimum random sentence length (in words)
        maxWords: 15, // maximum random sentence length (in words)
        minWordsBeforeComma: 3, // minimum random amount of words after which to put comma
        maxWordsBeforeComma: 7 // maximum random amount of words after which to put comma
    // put your classes and syllableTypes here

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