Ensure that you all your files are committed and/or you are on the correct branch before deploying
Install as dev dependency with npm
npm install -D git-check-stop
To check that you have no uncommitted files before deploying
Use the built in CLI in your npm scripts
In package.json, if you have a script deploy, set it up like this:
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npx git-check-stop"
Now, if you
npm run deploy
Your build will not deploy unless all your files are committed
To check that you are on the correct branch AND have no uncommitted files
Same as above, but in package.json
"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npx git-check-stop master"
In this case, git-check-stop will stop the build if the name of your current branch is not master. Of course, you can set this to be any other name.