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Git Mob - Co-author commits

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A command-line tool for social coding

Add co-authors to commits when you collaborate on code. Use when pairing with a buddy or mobbing with your team.

✨ Git Mob VS Code extension

gif showing example usage of git-mob


git-mob is a CLI tool, so you'll need to install the package globally.

npm i -g git-mob

By default git-mob will use the global config .gitmessage template to append co-authors.

Workflow / Usage

With git-mob, the primary author will always be the primary user of the computer. Set your author info in git if you haven't done so before.

$ git config --global "Jane Doe"
$ git config --global ""

To keep track of co-authors git-mob uses a JSON file called .git-coauthors, and will try to find it in the following directories:

  1. If GITMOB_COAUTHORS_PATH environment variable is set this will override any other settings.
  2. If the current Git repository has a .git-coauthors file in the root directory.
  3. The default is the users home directory at ~/.git-coauthors.

Here's a template of its structure:

  "coauthors": {
    "<initials>": {
      "name": "<name>",
      "email": "<email>"

Start by adding a few co-authors that you work with. Also see add co-author command.

$ cat <<-EOF > ~/.git-coauthors
  "coauthors": {
    "ad": {
      "name": "Amy Doe",
      "email": ""
    "bd": {
      "name": "Bob Doe",
      "email": ""

You're ready to create your mob. Tell git-mob you're pairing with Amy by using her initials. git mob ad

$ git mob ad
Jane Doe <>
Amy Doe <>

Commit like you normally would. You should see Co-authored-by: Amy Doe <> appear at the end of the commit message.

Let's add Bob to the group to create a three-person mob.

$ git mob ad bd
Jane Doe <>
Amy Doe <>
Bob Doe <>

Once you're done mobbing, switch back to developing solo.*

$ git solo
Jane Doe <>

Selected co-authors are stored globally meaning when switching between projects your co-authors stay the same*.

*Note: If you've set a local commit template in your config then that template will be updated. However, not when you switch projects and you will see a warning. You can run git mob to update the commit template. Read more here

Add co-author from GitHub

Provide the GitHub username to generate their co-author details. The anonymous GitHub email is used. You need to enable it see config.

$ git mob rkotze
Jane Doe <>
Richard Kotze <>

Custom setup

Using git commit -m setup

How to append co-authors to the message when using message flag - git commit -m "commit message"?

  1. Add prepare-commit-msg hook file in .git/hooks dir. See hook-examples
  2. The hook will need to be executable chmod +x prepare-commit-msg

prepare-commit-msg will need a script to read the co-authors, which can be done via git mob-print. See hook-examples folder for working scripts.

The command git mob-print will output to stdout the formatted co-authors.

Note: > v1.1.0 git mob --installTemplate and git mob --uninstallTemplate has been removed.

Using pre-commit to install

You can install the git hook using [pre-commit]( Add the following to your pre-commit-config.yaml

  - repo:
    rev: { tag-version }
      - id: add-coauthors
        stages: ['prepare-commit-msg']

And install with: pre-commit install --hook-type prepare-commit-msg.

Removing the above snippet and running git commit will uninstall the pre-commit hook

Revert back to default setup

  1. Remove relevant scripts prepare-commit-msg file

Git Mob config

Git Mob config is a section in the Git config.

Use local commit template

If you are using a local commit template and want to remove the warning message then set this option to true. Only reads from the local git config.

type: Boolean, scope: local, version: 2.2.0

git config --local git-mob-config.use-local-template true

Enable GitHub author fetch

To fetch authors from GitHub you need to enable it using the config.

type: Boolean, scope: global, version: 2.3.3

git config --global git-mob-config.github-fetch true

More commands

List all co-authors

Check which co-authors you have available in your .git-coauthors file.

$ git mob --list
jd Jane Doe
ad Amy Doe
bd Bob Doe

Overwrite the main author

Overwrite the current author which could be useful for pairing on different machines

If the current author is: Bob Doe

$ git mob -o jd ad
jd Jane Doe
ad Amy Doe

Now the author has changed to Jane Doe.

Add co-author

Add a new co-author to your .git-coauthors file.

$ git add-coauthor bb "Barry Butterworth"

Delete co-author

Delete a co-author from your .git-coauthors file.

$ git delete-coauthor bb

Edit co-author

Edit a co-author's details in your .git-coauthors file.

$ git edit-coauthor bb --name="Barry Butterworth" --email=""
$ git edit-coauthor bb --name="Barry Butterworth"
$ git edit-coauthor bb --email=""

Suggest co-authors

Suggest co-authors to save based on contributors to the current Git repo.

Optional author filter by name or email.

$ git suggest-coauthors [author name | author email]

Path to .git-coauthors

Print out path to .git-coauthors file.

git mob -p


Find out more.

git mob -h

Add initials of current mob to your prompt


Add the initials to PS1, in ~/.bashrc

function git_initials {
  local initials=$(git mob-print --initials)
  if [[ -n "${initials}" ]]; then
    echo " [${initials}]"

export PS1="\$(pwd)\$(git_initials) -> "


Add the following functions to .config/fish/

function git_initials --description 'Print the initials for who I am currently pairing with'
  set -lx initials (git mob-print --initials)
  if test -n "$initials"
    printf ' [%s]' $initials

function fish_prompt
  printf "%s%s ->" (pwd) (git_initials)

More info

See git-mob discussions

Read our blog post to find out why git-mob exists: Co-author commits with Git Mob

* If you have git-duet installed, you'll need to uninstall it since it conflicts with the git-solo command.

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