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CLI tools implementing the OneFlow git branching model.

OneFlow is a git branching model proposed by Adam Ruka as an alternative to GitFlow.

In this article, Adam describes how it works and when it should be employed.

This workflow is not for the uninitiated:

  1. Heavy use of rebase
  2. By default, work is off of main
  3. ???
  4. No Profit :( and surefire way to mess things up quickly and embarrassingly.

For a good overview of why you should and when you shouldn't use rebase read this

I have simply put together some CLI commands to leverage the OneFlow model.

I have remained strictly faithful to how Adam defines the workflow without adding anything fancy (yet). This means that, by default, git-OneFlow works with one main branch only (main) and new features are rebased. Check the customisation section.

Of course, one-size-fits-all does not always work, therefore, I have implemented all the feature integration options described in the article and both the one main branch and main and development branches models.

Fun facts:

  1. Two branches model + integration option #2 gives... :drumroll: GitFlow :)
  2. Adam Ruka doesn't really like the idea of 'tools' like this one

Node Compatibility

Supported version are LTS and above.


npm install -g git-oneflow


git-oneflow --help


gof --help

gof is a convenient alias for the overly verbose and long to type git-oneflow.

Node Package Execute - npx

It is possible to run git-oneflow directly (i.e. no local installation) from the npm registry with Node Package Execute:

npx git-oneflow --help


git-OneFlow comes with some defaults which faithfully mirror Adam Ruka recommendations.


One main branch


Feature branches

Feature branches stem from feature:

gof start feature my-feature
# equivalent to...
git checkout -b feature/my-feature

Finishing a feature is done by rebasing:

gof finish feature my-feature
# equivalent to...
git checkout feature/my-feature
git rebase -i main
git checkout main
git merge --ff-only feature/my-feature
git push origin main
git branch -d feature/my-feature

Release/Hotfix branches

Releases and hotfixes share the same workflow: (just substitute hotfix for release in the following examples)

gof start release 2.3.0
# equivalent to...
git checkout -b release/2.3.0


gof finish release 2.3.0 -t 2.3.0
# equivalent to...
git checkout release/2.3.0
git tag -a -m '2.3.0' 2.3.0
git checkout main
git merge release/2.3.0
git push --follow-tags origin main
git branch -d release/2.3.0

Tags creation when releasing or hot-fixing might not be needed. One case would be if something like standard-version is used, which tags releases based on some commit conventions. Therefore, a --no-tag option is used to avoid tagging the commit. A commit is either tagged on the command line by passing -t|--tag <tagName> or the program will ask to specify a tag name. If both -t and --no-tag are specified, --no-tag takes the precedence. This is true for any other off switch.

Configuration file

gof init

init starts an interactive session that allows for customising the configuration of git-OneFlow

This creates a .git-oneflowrc file with the chosen configuration options. git-OneFlow uses cosmiconfig under the hood.

To specify a configuration file on the command line use -c|--configuration with the name of the file (and it's path).

gof start feature -c config/my-gof-config.json

Configuration options

Option Description Default Details
main name of the main (production) branch main must be set to an existing branch name
development name of the development branch undefined not set or an existing branch name
features name of the features branch (prefixed to the feature name) feature empty string or a valid branch name. This strings works as a branch prefix, e.g. if the chosen feature name is my-super-feature the resulting (using the default) branch name for this feature will be feature/my-super-feature. An empty string will result in my-super-feature. This applies to releases and hotfixes as well.
releases name of the releases branch (prefixed to the release name) release empty string or a valid branch name
hotfixes name of the hotfixes branch (prefixed to the hotfix name) hotfix empty string or a valid branch name
strategy which feature integration merge strategy to use rebase Valid options are: rebase, rebase-no-ff and no-ff
interactive whether to rebase interactively rebase -i true the values true or false, not the strings 'true' or 'false'. See example. If set to false this, and other boolean options, act as a permanent off switch for the given option. In this case, it is like --no-interactive is always specified on the command line.
pushAfterMerge whether to push to origin after finishing true true, false
deleteAfterMerge whether to delete the working branch after merging with main/development true true, false
tagCommit whether to ask to tag releases and hotfixes true true, false. This option is used to decide whether to prompt the user or not in case a tag hasn't been specified, for example with --tag 2.3.4.
askOnFeatureStart whether to ask which branch to start a feature from false true, false. This option is used to decide whether to prompt the user or not in case they start a feature.
askOnFeatureFinish whether to ask which branch to merge a feature onto false true, false. This option is used to decide whether to prompt the user or not in case they finish a feature.

Generate default file

To create a configuration file with default values:

gof init -y

this will create .gitonelfowrc in the current directory with the following content:

  "main": "main",
  "features": "feature",
  "releases": "release",
  "hotfixes": "hotfix",
  "strategy": "rebase",
  "interactive": true,
  "deleteAfterMerge": true,
  "pushAfterMerge": true,
  "tagCommit": true


Under the hood, git-OneFlow uses commander. Essentially, it is possible to start or finish either a feature, a release or an hotfix.

Each command can be passed options that modify the default behaviour.

Common options to all commands

Option flag Description
-c, --config <file> configuration file to use
-b, --base <name> override the current base branch name
--no-base do not use a base branch name

The start command

gof start <feature|release|hotfix> [options] [name]

Commands can be shortened using the initial letter:

gof s f -h # => gof start feature --help

start options

Options are common to every sub-command (start feature, start release, start hotfix)

Option flag Description
-r, --ref <ref> new branch will be created from the given branch, commit or tag
--no-ref create the new branch from the current branch

The finish command

The finish command syntax is exactly the same as the start command. What changes are the options that can be passed to the sub-commands.

Common finish options

Option flag Description
-o,--onto <onto> branch to merge or rebase onto
-p,--push push to origin after merge
--no-push do not push
-d,--delete delete branch after merge
--no-delete do not delete branch

finish feature options

Option flag Description
-i,--interactive interactive rebase
--no-interactive do not rebase interactively
-s,--strategy <strategy> merge strategy

finish release and finish hotfix options

Option flag Description
-t,--tag <tagName> tag the commit with the given tag
--no-tag do not tag the commit
-m,--message <msg> annotate tag with a message (default to the tag name)

--help and --dry-run options

A help menu is available with every command. Just append -h or --help to access help.

gof finish release --help

Another interesting way to experiment with git-OneFlow is to use the --dry-run option. This will show the commands that would be invoked without actually doing anything.

It is possible to activate the dry-run mode also by setting the environment variable GOF_DRY_RUN

GOF_DRY_RUN=1 gof start release

or for Windows

set GOF_DRY_RUN=1 & gof start release


The changelog can be found on the Releases page.


PRs welcome!


git-OneFlow is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.

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  • msanguineti