git commit log parser and hours extractor
Required Format
Developers must specify duration in commit messages in order to accrue hours.
Duration must be specified within brackets, like so: []
To see what can be between the brackets, see:
Making multiple brackets or putting non-duration-parser input into the brackets are unhandled edge cases that will not be handled in this module.
Some examples of valid commit messages that will parse successfully:
- "[2h5m] did stuff"
- "here are things i did\n\n[.5h]"
- "more things i did [25min]"
npm install -g git-tt2
Usage Examples
git tt2
git tt2 --since 07/23/2015
git tt2 --since 07/23/2015 --until 07/24/2015
Example Procedure
- Developers commits to any branch, ensuring to tag commits with time tracking data
- Merging commits from other branches into a time-tracked branch (e.g. master) qualifies good commits. Unmerged/abandoned commits, having not been value-adding, are justifiably not used.
- Someone/thing runs
to harvest time entries and generate appropriate invoices and/or payroll artifacts for master branch.
Conflict Resolution
If developers forget to add hours or make a mistake, they can always do amendments and rebases, in other words, it's just git.