
1.1.5 • Public • Published

GitHub Auth Generator

A JavaScript package, GitHub Action, and CLI tool for generating various kinds of GitHub authentication tokens, from other kinds of authentication tokens.


  • Token types (tokenType in GitHub Actions, command for CLI, function prefix for JS library)
    • app for "GitHub App" type apps - JWTs used for interacting with app APIs only
    • installation for "GitHub App" type apps - Generated tokens for interacting with most of the GitHub API - Generated from an app token, and scoped to organization/user/etc
    • orgRunnerRegistration for registering a GitHub Actions Runner with an organization
    • repoRunnerRegistration for registering a GitHub Actions Runner with a repository
    • entRunnerRegistration for registering a GitHub Actions Runner with an enterprise
    • orgRunnerRemove for removing a GitHub Actions Runner from an organization
    • repoRunnerRemove for removing a GitHub Actions Runner from a repository
    • entRunnerRemove for removing a GitHub Actions Runner from an enterprise
  • Options
    • debug: turn on debug outputs (true/false, or CLI flag)
    • authorization: authorization header mode outputs a valid Authorization header value (true/false, CLI flag, or function suffix for JS library)
    • appId: GitHub app ID
    • privateKey: private key data for the GitHub app (not available on the CLI)
    • privateKeyPath: path to the private key file for the GitHub app
    • installationId: installation ID for the app
    • orgName: organization name to act on
    • repoName: full name of the repository to act on
    • entName: enterprise name to act on
    • personalAccessToken: personal access token to use for generation

Operation-dependant options

Most options are optional, and all functions will show an error if a full set of values aren't available. For example:

  • to get a repo runner token you can:
    • supply a personalAccessToken
    • supply a appId, and one of privateKey or privateKeyPath
  • to get an installation token you can:
    • supply an installationId
    • supply an orgName (installations are searched for the org name)
    • supply a repoName (installations are searched for the repo name)
    • supply a entName (installations are searched for the enterprise name)

Use as GitHub Action

Request repo metadata from an app private key

After adding your app, add the private key as a repo secret

- id: token
  name: Generate authorization
  uses: RickyCook/github-auth-generator@1.1.2
    tokenType: installation
    authorization: true
    appId: 'deadbeef'
    privateKey: ${{ secrets.appPrivateKey }}
    repoName: myorg/privaterepo
- name: Check token works
    AUTH: ${{ steps.token.outputs.token }}
  run: curl -H "Authorization:$AUTH"


  • tokenType - what type of token to generate
    • app - create an app JWT
    • installation - create an installation token
    • orgRunnerRegistration - create a token to add self-hosted runners to a repo
    • repoRunnerRegistration - create a token to add self-hosted runners to an org
    • entRunnerRegistration - create a token to add self-hosted runners to an enterprise
    • orgRunnerRemove - create a token to remove self-hosted runners from a org
    • repoRunnerRemove - create a token to remove self-hosted runners from a repo
    • entRunnerRemove - create a token to remove self-hosted runners from an enterprise
  • debug - turn on debug outputs
  • authorization - turn on "authorization" mode to return the value of an authorization header for curl/httpie/etc
  • other inputs that match the lib/CLI opts (appId, privateKey, etc)


  • token - the generated token or authorization header value

Use as a library

Request repo metadata from an app private key

const https = require('https');
const githubTokens = require('github-tokens-generator');

// App ID and private key are from your app settings
const appId = 'deadbeef';
const privateKeyPath = '/tmp/myapp.2021-10-04.private-key.pem';
const repoName = 'myorg/privaterepo';

(async () => {
      headers: {
        // create...Authorization functions add Bearer/token as required
        // if you just need the token, you can use create...Token functions
        Authorization: await githubTokens.createInstallationAuthorization({
          appId, privateKeyPath, repoName,
        'User-Agent': 'nodejs',
    res => {
      console.log('statusCode:', res.statusCode);
      console.log('headers:', res.headers);
      res.on('data', d => process.stdout.write(d));

Use as a CLI

Request repo metadata from an app private key

  node src/bin.js \
  installation \
    --authorization \
    --appId deadbeef \
    --privateKeyPath /tmp/myapp.2021-10-04.private-key.pem \
    --repoName myorg/privaterepo
curl -H "Authorization:$token"

Request repo metadata from an app private key (DOCKER 🐳)

  docker run --rm -v /tmp/myapp.2020-10-04.private-key.pem:/key.pem \
  thatpanda/github-auth-generator:1.1.2 \
  installation \
    --authorization \
    --appId deadbeef \
    --privateKeyPath /key.pem \
    --repoName myorg/privaterepo
curl -H "Authorization:$token"

Request a GitHub Actions Runner registration token from an app private key

This token can be used according to the GitHub Actions self-hosted runner docs in place of the token generated by the web UI.

node src/bin.js repoRunnerRegistration \
  --appId deadbeef \
  --privateKeyPath /tmp/myapp.2021-10-04.private-key.pem \
  --repoName myorg/privaterepo

Request a GitHub Actions Runner registration token from a personal access token

This token can be used according to the GitHub Actions self-hosted runner docs in place of the token generated by the web UI.

node src/bin.js repoRunnerRegistration \
  --personalAccessToken deadbeef \
  --repoName myorg/privaterepo

Setting up a GitHub app

Navigate to your organization's developer settings:<yourorg>/settings/apps


Navigate to your personal developer settings:

Create a "GitHub App" (not an OAuth App) using these settings:

  • Name can be anything you like
  • Homepage URL can be anything you like (eg a website URL, an organization profile, personal profile, or repo URL)
  • Uncheck "Active" under webhook (unless you want this, but this is not necessary for API interaction)
  • Select any API permissions you'd like to request
    • Note some of these are not specifically necessary, but may be useful for ephemeral runners and other CI-related activities, so it's less hassle to do it now
    • For generating GitHub Actions runner tokens for repositories:
      • Repository -> Actions: Read & Write
      • Repository -> Administration: Read & Write
      • Repository -> Metadata: Read-only
      • Repository -> Checks: Read-only
    • For generating GitHub Actions runner tokens for organizations:
      • Organization -> Self-hosted runners: Read & Write
  • For "Where can this GitHub App be installed?", it's up to you. For testing and internal purposes, "Only on this account" is a reasonable option

The appId setting of this library/CLI corresponds to the App ID on the app's about page

To retrieve a private key, scroll down on the app's about page and under "Private keys", click "Generate a private key". The PEM file that's saved corresponds to the privateKeyPath of this library/CLI

To allow access to repositories/orgs, in the app settings click "Install App". You can select any organization that you're a member of to install the app into (or there might only be 1 if you selected "only this account" in the setup). Click install, and then install again. You might like to select only a limited set of repositories.

Now you can use the app ID and private key to perform operations on your repository!

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npm i github-auth-generator

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  • thatpanda