This package has been deprecated

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This package has now moved to @canonical/global-nav


2.0.3 • Public • Published

Canonical Ltd Global nav

This project contains the JavaScript and styles to display a banner across the top of a page.

This banner displays a list of corporate eco-system websites giving a user the ability to jump around the core sites easily.


Simply use a node package manager to install this component and then link the JS file into the head of your site, with optional settings. The styles will automatically be injected into the page's <head>.

  1. Install via yarn or npm
yarn add global-nav
npm install global-nav --save
  1. You can then install the library either by directly linking to it or via ES6 imports.

To consume the library directly, add a link to the JS file containing an IIFE and run the canonicalGlobalNav.createNav() function

<script src="/node_modules/global-nav/dist/iife.js"></script>

To import it, simply call it from your site-wide JS file;

import {createNav} from 'global-nav';


The createNav function takes an object of options with the following properties:

  • maxWidth: The max-width of the global nav element (default: 68rem)
  • showLogins: Should the "logins" drop-down be shown? (default: false)

For example, to use the global-nav without the "login" section, and set the max-width to 80rem:

<script src="/node_modules/global-nav/dist/index.js"></script>
  canonicalGlobalNav.createNav({ showLogins: false, maxWidth: '80rem' });

If you're importing;

import {createNav} from 'global-nav';
createNav({ showLogins: false, maxWidth: '80rem' });

Building the Global nav

To build the JS into the /dist folder, run:

yarn install
yarn build

You can view the build files in action by opening the index.html in the root of this project.


When developing this project you can run the following command to listen to changes in the src/js/*.js and src/sass/*.scss and builds them into the /dist folder.

yarn watch

Before submitting your pull request. Run the lint, which checks both the JS and Sass for errors.

yarn lint

How to add inline svgs

Just because this was a bit of a pain, here is what I did.

  1. Shrink the svg as much as possible
  2. Upload it to the asset server for others - OPTIONAL
  3. View it in a browser and grab the source code.
  4. Convert the quotes from double " to single ' - CRITICAL
  5. Encode the svg
  6. Add this with data:image/svg+xml, in the right place in product-details.js


If you would like to help improve this project, here is a list of commands to help you get started.

Code licensed LGPLv3 by Canonical Ltd.

With ♥ from Canonical




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