A command-line tool for managing multiple remote git repositories
. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows users to add, switch, delete and list repositories
without interfering with each other. It makes it easy for users to work on multiple git remote repos simultaneously
, keeping them separate while using the same local code base
$ npm install -g gmr-cli@latest
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- Node.js
- Git
$ gmr [command]
# Commands:
list # List all cloned repositories with Repository ids.
add <GIT PROJECT URL> # Cloned a new git repository in the current working directory.
switch <Repository ID | Optional> # Switch to a different remote repository by repository id | In case of optional switch with secound in list.
delete <Repository ID> # Delete a cloned git repository by repository id.
- WeeTech Solution PVT LTD
- Website - https://www.weetechsolution.com/
- GitHub - WeeTech Solution