
1.0.5 • Public • Published

Google map view for GNaP Map plugin

Allows the Google Maps API to be used as the map view engine for the GNaP Map plugin. Also enables a search box.

Getting started


  • Install this package using npm install gnap-map-google --save in your web project folder.
  • Reference dist/gnap-map-google.js or dist/gnap-map-google.min.js in your index.html file, after the gnap-map reference.
  • For this Google technology, you must also additionally reference the Google Maps Javascript API (latest tested version: 3.22), with the additional visualization, drawing and places libraries. You should reference this library before all other scripts, before of the the 'vendor/js/vendor.js' section:
<script src="//,drawing,places"></script>
  • Reference the gnapMapGoogle module in your application's module definition (in the GNaP template this is the app.module.js file by default).



During config time, as with any Map technology, you can set its defaults through the mapTechGoogleProvider.setDefaults function. This function takes an object, which can contain the following properties:

  • zoomLevel: The starting zoom level, in the scale of the map technology. TODO: we should instead use a start - and end zoomlevel in the scale of the map technology, which the application's 1-10 zoom level scale translates to. Next, we can set the default zoom level in the 1-10 scale on the general mapTechProvider.
  • center: The center, as an object, in the map technology's coordinate system and required structure. TODO: we should probably instead set this as lat/lng on the general mapTechProvider, and use the setCenterWgs84 method of each map tech implementation.
  • defaultStyleFunction: Set the default styling function. This is a function which gets passed the following parameters, which it can use:
    • feature (object): The GeoJson feature object.
    • iconUrl (string): The layer's iconUrl property; generally a url to an icon.
    • layerProperties (object): The entire configuration object for this layer, should you require any other property (including your customly added properties which aren't pre-defined).
    • zoomLevel (int): The current zoom level on a scale of 1-10.

The defaultStyleFunction function must return a Google Maps Style Object as defined by the Google Maps Javascript API.


The Google Maps technology has an additional configuration method, mapTechGoogleProvider.setStyles, which allows you to add custom Google map styles. The function accepts an array of objects with the following properties:

  • id (string): A technical name for the style layer. Use camelCasing.
  • name (string): The display name for the layer. Note that it cannot be translated. TODO: add support for translation?
  • style (object): The style configuration object, which you can create using this tool.

The first style in the array will be the default, but when the user changes the style, his choice is stored and re-initialized upon his next visit.



themes-gnap is licensed under BSD (3-Clause). Refer to LICENSE for more information.

The GNaP theme uses Ace - Responsive Admin Template as its base theme, which is licensed under Extended License, our license covers redistribution and usage by you. However, if you would like to show your support to the original author, you can buy a Single application license here, it's quite cheap after all.

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