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GoT Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Image of the gotsentimental graph for character Jon Snow

As seen on


$ npm install gotsentimental --save


  • recent node.js + npm
  • MongoDB


You need to create a Twitter API key for the crawler.

See example/app for an advanced example.


const gotsent = require('gotsentimental');
// adjust config
    "mongodb": {
        "uri": "mongodb://example/gotsentimental"
    "twitter": {
        "access_token": "xxx",
        "access_token_secret": "xxx",
        "consumer_key": "xxx",
        "consumer_secret": "xxx"
// initialize
// update DB - this might take a few hours
gotsent.update().then(function(res) {
    // print some update stats
    // get top5 most popular characters
    gotsent.mostPopular(5).then(function(res) {
        res.forEach(function(character) {
    }, console.error);
    // gracefully shut down
}, function(err) {


Generated CSV files

The crawler generates static CSV files in the directory set in the config ("csvpath"). These files have to be made available, e.g. by using express.static(__dirname + '/csv');. See example/app for an example.

The following files are generated and required by chart.js:



Data per Character:
/csv/Character_Name.csv               (complete overview, grouped per day)
/csv/Character_Name/2016-03.csv       (monthly overview, grouped per hour)



Name Type Description
name string name of the character
slug string human-readale URL-identifier for the character
total number total number of tweets in database
positive number total number of positive tweets in database
negative number total number of negative tweets in database
heat number how controverse is the character
popularity number how much is the character is discussed
updated Date date when the document was last updated

Methods and Attributes

gotsentimental.cfg : Object

Object containing the package configuration. The config can be changed by directly overwriting attributes or using .cfg.extend(json). The default values are stored in defaults.json. Every value can be overwritten.


Merges the given Object into the config by overwriting attributes. Arrays are concatenated.

Param Type Description
json Object Config Object


Initilaize the package. Opens the MongoDB connection and initializes the Twitter client.


Close any open resources like the database connection.

gotsentimental.update([full]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Update data by crawling for new tweets and generating new CSV files.

Param Type Default Description
[full] boolean false full rebuild or incremental update

Returns: Promise.<Object> - A promise to the update results.

gotsentimental.updateCharacter(name, [full]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Update data for given character by crawling for new tweets and generating new CSV files.

Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the character
[full] boolean false full rebuild or incremental update

Returns: Promise.<Object> - A promise to the update results.


Start the update loop. Waits the amount of secunds set in the config after completing one iteration before starting the next incremental update.

gotsentimental.stopUpdateLoop() ⇒ Promise

Waits for the current update to complete, if one is running.

Returns: Promise - A promise which resolves when the loop is stopped.

gotsentimental.character(name) ⇒ Promise.<Character>

Get a character by name.

Returns: Promise.<Character> - A promise to the character.

Param Type Description
name string Name of the character

gotsentimental.mostPopular([n]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Character>>

Get the most popular characters.

Returns: Promise.<Array.<Character>> - A promise to the array of characters

Param Type Default Description
[n] number 10 Number of Characters to return

gotsentimental.mostHated([n]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Character>>

Get the most hated characters.

Returns: Promise.<Array.<Character>> - A promise to the array of characters

Param Type Default Description
[n] number 10 Number of characters to return

gotsentimental.mostDiscussed([n]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Character>>

Get the most discussed characters.

Returns: Promise.<Array.<Character>> - A promise to the array of characters

Param Type Default Description
[n] number 10 Number of Characters to return

gotsentimental.css : string

Absolute path to the Chart CSS file. It should be served with e.g. express' sendFile.

gotsentimental.js : string

Absolute path to the Chart JS file. It should be served with e.g. express' sendFile.

gotsentimental.stats() ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Get stats about tweets in database. The returned Object has the following attributes:

  • total (total number of tweets),
  • positive (total number of positive tweets),
  • negative (total number of negative tweets).

Returns: Promise.<Object> - A promise to the stats Object


Install Gulp:

npm install -g gulp
npm test

Hook up npm and git

To run npm test automatically before every git commit, install a git pre-commit hook:

npm run hookup

git aborts the commit if the tests fail. You can (but shouldn't) bypass it with git commit --no-verify ....

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npm i gotsentimental

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  • salahov