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0.0.7 • Public • Published

Graphql Global Id Directive

While transitioning to the use of global IDs (commonly known as node IDs), I found that encoding and decoding these IDs was a necessary step in various parts of my application, especially when using database IDs for queries and mutations. I sought a way to simplify this process by decoding the IDs before they reached the resolvers and encoding them on their way out. To address this, I created this package to make the use of global IDs straightforward and efficient. This package includes a GlobalIdDirective class, which offers two directives: globalIdEncodeDirective and globalIdDecodeDirective. These directives handle the encoding and decoding of global IDs, making the integration of global IDs into any GraphQL application a breeze.


npm install graphql-global-id-directive


First, import and create an instance of the GlobalIdDirective class:

import { GlobalIdDirective } from "graphql-global-id-directive";
const globalIdDirective = new GlobalIdDirective();

Define your schema

const typeDefs = `
  interface Node {
    id: ID!

  type Query {
    user(id: ID! @decodeGlobalId): User
    node(id: ID! @decodeGlobalId(returnIdOnly: false)): Node

  type User implements Node {
    id: ID! @encodeGlobalId(typeName: "User")
    name: String
    email: String

In the type definition of the node query, use the @decodeGlobalId directive with the returnIdOnly option set to false. This ensures that the stringified decoded global ID object is returned instead of just the underlying id which is the default behavior, allowing you to parse and use both the underlying id and __typename in your resolver.

Apply the directives to your schema

const { globalIdEncodeDirectiveTypeDefs, globalIdEncodeDirectiveTransformer } =
  globalIdDirective.globalIdEncodeDirective("encodeGlobalId"); // Use any name of your choice but avoid collisions with other directive names

const { globalIdDecodeDirectiveTypeDefs, globalIdDecodeDirectiveTransformer } =

let schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  typeDefs: [

const directiveTransformers = [

schema = directiveTransformers.reduce(
  (currentSchema, transformer) => transformer(currentSchema),

Using GlobalIdDirective with Node Resolver

You can utilize the decoded global IDs in your node resolver to retrieve any instance of a node. Here's an example of how you can do this:

node: async (_, args, { dataSources }) => {
  // Parse the stringified ID back into an object
  const { id, __typename } = JSON.parse(;

  let node;
  switch (__typename) {
    case "User":
      node = await dataSources.userDb.getUser({ userId: id }); // Or fetch the user directly with the model. EG: UserModel.findById(id)
    case "Product":
      node = await dataSources.productDb.getProduct({ productId: id });
    case "Order":
      node = await dataSources.orderDb.getOrder({ orderId: id });
    // Add more cases as needed for other typenames
      throw new Error(`Unsupported typename: ${__typename}`); //Or perform another action

  return { ...node.toObject({ virtuals: true }), __typename }; // I used a Mongoose document for this example


The GlobalIdDirective class is designed to be easily customizable. You can extend the class and override the encodeFn and decodeFn methods to provide your own implementation for encoding and decoding global IDs.

Here's an example of how you can do this:

class CustomGlobalIdDirective extends GlobalIdDirective {
  encodeFn(id, typeName) {
    // Your custom encoding logic here

  decodeFn(globalId) {
    // Your custom decoding logic here

const customGlobalIdDirective = new CustomGlobalIdDirective();

In this example, CustomGlobalIdDirective is a subclass of GlobalIdDirective. It overrides the encodeFn and decodeFn methods with custom logic for encoding and decoding global IDs.


Want to make this package even better? Fork the repository and submit a pull request to contribute.


MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • ifeanyi_ugwu