Grunt task that create or move a git tag built from the version of package.json
Using grunt-tag
Tag using the version of the package.json file
grunt tag
Customize your tag:
If you want to customize the name of the tag, you can set the tagName
tag: {
options: {
tagName: '<%= version.match(/\\d*/) %>.x' // E.g.: If version=1.2.0 then tagName will be 1.x
or by passing the CLI arg:
grunt tag --tagName "<%= version.match(/\d*/) %>.x"
Dry Run:
To see what grunt-tag does, without really changing anything, use --no-write
grunt tag --no-write
You'll see something like:
>> Tag dry run
>> Create or move the git tag: 1.0.0 (Version 1.0.0)
>> Push the tag 1.0.0 to remote
Done, without errors.
The following are the options of the grunt task:
tag: {
options: {
// Create or move the tag (default: true)
tag: false,
// Push the tag to remote (default: true)
push: false,
// File where th read the version (default: package.json)
file: 'file.json',
// Name of the tag (default: '<%= version %>')
tagName: 'some-tag-<%= version %>',
// Message of the tag (default: 'Version <%= version %>')
tagMsg: 'New version: <%= version %>', // default: 'Version <%= version %>'
// The remote where to push the tag (default: 'origin')
remote: 'RemoteName'
The CLI arguments --tagName
and --tagMsg
bypass the js options.
Copyright (c) 2015 Sierra Wireless Licensed under the MIT license.