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A light callable lib to keep your Node.Js API alive


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Functions and usage


This is expansion of Joi lib that we use it to verify API input. It can be query or body of a request. Here is the example of usage:

const ipSchema = schema.object({
    api_key: schema.string().min(10).max(10).required(),


Then you can verify the input with checkObject() function and it returns result with two elements isValid: boolean and log: any. isValid returns true if given object and schema match and log returns Joi log if an error happen. Also this function has an element called devMode that prints all logs in console to get what is happening in function and defult setted to true. Here is the full example:

import { checkObject, schema } from 'guardflux'
import { CheckResult } from 'guardflux/dist/lib/types'

// This is the apikey or user ip or id that you can pass to function
const user_given_api_key: string = "x2a45B78C0"

const ipSchema = schema.object({
    api_key: schema.string().min(10).max(10).required(),

const check: CheckResult = await checkObject({ api_key: user_given_api_key }, ipSchema)

You can use check.isValid to response the user that given data in request is valid or not.


This is a very useful fucntion that make rate limit for every route based on user api-key/id/ip that you pass. We use MikroOrm because it is light and can handle several DBs. Because of needing to save data in DB we have to config the DB options first:

const dbConfig: DbConfig = {
    dbName: "guardflux", // Default name id "guardflux" but you can pass any name you want
    dbType: "mongodb", // Choose which DB you want to work with it. Supported DBs are 1-MySQL 2-MongoDB 3-PostgreSQL
    dbURI: MONGO_URI, // Pass URI of your DB
    dbDebug: true // Make MikroOrm debug mode on

If your DB has username and password, you can add it to you URI string. These are default DBs URI string that don't have username and password.

Type default connection url
mongo mongodb://
mysql mysql://root@
postgresql postgresql://postgres@

After we config the DB, we have to add options for rateLimit function:

const rlOptions: RateLimitOptions = {
    route: "/api/test_route", // API route to specify ratelimit based on route
    cycleTime: 60, // Rate limit cycle based on secounds
    maxRequests: 5 // Max requests that a user can make in cycleTime

Now we pass all consts to function. This function works based on two keys: 1- User API-key/ip/id 2- Route path. At least you can turn devMode to see in console what is happen. Like checkObject function, this method has devMode too that is enabled by default.This option will prints all data of MikroOrm and what is happen in function. This function returns like checkObject and you can use it to response the user if you want. All example is here:

import { checkObject, schema } from 'guardflux'
import { CheckResult } from 'guardflux/dist/lib/types'

// This is the apikey or user ip or id that you can pass to function
const user_given_api_key: string = "x2a45B78C0"

const rlOptions: RateLimitOptions = {
    route: "/api/test_route", // API route to specify ratelimit based on route
    cycleTime: 60, // Rate limit cycle based on secounds
    maxRequests: 5 // Max requests that a user can make in cycleTime

const dbConfig: DbConfig = {
    dbName: "guardflux", // Default name id "guardflux" but you can pass any name you want
    dbType: "mongodb", // Choose which DB you want to work with it. Supported DBs are 1-MySQL 2-MongoDB 3-PostgreSQL
    dbURI: MONGO_URI, // Pass URI of your DB
    dbDebug: true // Make MikroOrm debug mode on

const rl: CheckResult = await rateLimit(user_given_api_key, rlOptions, dbConfig)


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • yahya-aghdam