
2.1.13 • Public • Published

Gulp Lib Generator

A gulp task that creates a mass exports file from directories that contain exported vars, functions, etc. Great for use with frameworks!


npm install --save-dev gulp-lib-generator
# or
npx install --save-dev gulp-lib-generator


const gulp = require('gulp');
const { createLib, createRelativePath } = require('gulp-lib-generator');

const libOptions = [
    type: 'REQUIRE',
    libFile: 'index.js',
    ignore: ['^_', '^(.(?!\.js$))+$'],
    src: './_dev/gulp_tasks/lib',
    dest: './_dev/gulp_tasks/',
    type: 'IMPORT',
    libFile: 'index.js',
    ascending: false,
    src: './src/views/templates',
    type: 'SASS',
    libFile: 'main.sass',
    ignore: ['^_demo']
    src: './dev/sass/styles/lib',
    dest: './dev/sass/styles/',
    src: './src/api/routes/',
    customFormat(fileInDir, fileIndex, isLastFile, fullOptions) {
      let customLibFormat = '';
      // ... custom library formatting ...
      customLibFormat += 'formatting logic';
      return customLibFormat; // must return a string

gulp.task('lib', gulp.series( createLib(libOptions) ));

// # command in terminal:
// $ gulp lib


A directory with a JavaScript files that could be considered a library like a directory of React.js or Vue.js components can be exported through a single file, named from the libFile option, that is generated based off of the option rules provided.


src: // REQUIRED
  './path/to/library/directory/' // Fully qualified paths are auto generated


type: // OPTIONAL
  'CUSTOM'  // user provided `customFormat` function will be used
  'REQUIRE' // for module.exports files
  'IMPORT'  // for exports files
  'SASS'    // for SASS || SCSS files

libFile: // OPTIONAL
  'index.js' // custom name of library file

ascending: // OPTIONAL
  true      // export files in ascending order: [_, 0 -> 99999 , A -> Z]
  false     // export files in descending order: [Z -> A, 9999 -> 0, _]

ignore: // OPTIONAL
  []        // array of string values of file names to not include in library. Regex strings are accepted

dest: // OPTIONAL
  './path/to/library/directory/' // Fully qualified paths are auto generated
                                // if none provided the `src` path will be used

customFormat: // OPTIONAL
  function(fileName, index, isLastFile, self) { return null }
  // passed arguments are:
  //  - fileName: current file name from iterated files in directory
  //  - index: index of file position of directory files array
  //  - isLastFile: true if is the last file in directory, else false
  //  - self: the full object of library options, including defaults if applicable


  type: 'REQUIRE',
  libFile: 'index.js',
  ignore: [],
  ascending: true,
  src: null,
  dest: null,
  customFormat(fileName, index, isLastFile, self) { return null },

Example use of customFormat()

Note: Must set { type: 'CUSTOM' } for custom formatting function to be used.

const gulp = require('gulp');
const path = require('path');
const { createLib, createRelativePath } = require('gulp-lib-generator');

const { PWD: ROOT_DIR } = process.env;

const libOptions = [
    type: 'CUSTOM',
    src: './_dev/gulp_tasks/lib/',
    // custom formatting function
    customFormat(fileName, index, isLastFile, self) {
      let tempLibContent = '';
      const [ file ] = fileName.split('.');
      // start library file line
      if(index === 0) {
        tempLibContent += 'module.exports = {';
      // format for files to be exported as an object
      tempLibContent += `\n\t${file}: require('${createRelativePath(self.src, './'+file)}'),`;
      // final library file line
      if(isLastFile) {
        tempLibContent += '\n};';
      // must return string to be written to lib file
      return tempLibContent;

gulp.task('lib', gulp.series( createLib(libOptions) ));

The generated index.js would contain:

// './_dev/gulp_tasks/lib/index.js'

module.exports = {
  component_1: require('fully/qualified/path/to/component_1'),
  component_2: require('fully/qualified/path/to/component_2'),

Why use a library file

Old way of importing components

├── components_dir/
    ├── component_1.js
    ├── component_2.js
    ├── component_3.js
    └── component_4.js

using require();

const component_1 = require('./path/to/components_dir/component_1');
const component_2 = require('./path/to/components_dir/component_2');
const component_3 = require('./path/to/components_dir/component_3');
const component_4 = require('./path/to/components_dir/component_4');

using import

import component_1 from './path/to/components_dir/component_1';
import component_2 from './path/to/components_dir/component_2';
import component_3 from './path/to/components_dir/component_3';
import component_4 from './path/to/components_dir/component_4';

Importing components as a library

When importing or requiring in files from directories, index.js is not required to be specifically defined in the path because it is implicitly imported if present in the directory.

If using a custom name with the libFile option, the file name will need to be included in the import route being required from.

In this example, index.js is being used. External files can now be pulled in using the newly generated library.

├── components_dir/
    ├── component_1.js
    ├── component_2.js
    ├── component_3.js
    ├── component_4.js
    └── index.js  # <--- new generated component library for this directory

using require();

const {
} = require('./path/to/components_dir');

using import
import {
} from './path/to/components_dir';


When using the import/export method, all the exported functions, vars, classes, etc. must be exported as an object literal:

// ./path/to/components_dir/component_1.js

const component_1 = () => {
  // ... component logic ...
  return some_data;

export { component_1 };

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npm i gulp-lib-generator

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  • maumasi