DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/gulp-live-server package

0.0.31 • Public • Published


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A handy, light-weight server you're going to love.




  • Serve a static folder(gls.script<'scripts/static.js'> is used as server script)

      var gulp = require('gulp');
      var gls = require('gulp-live-server');
      gulp.task('serve', function() {
        //1. serve with default settings
        var server = gls.static(); //equals to gls.static('public', 3000);
        //2. serve at custom port
        var server = gls.static('dist', 8888);
        //3. serve multi folders
        var server = gls.static(['dist', '.tmp']);
        //use to trigger server actions(notify, start or stop)['static/**/*.css', 'static/**/*.html'], function (file) {
          server.notify.apply(server, [file]);
  • Serve with your own script file

      gulp.task('serve', function() {
        //1. run your script as a server
        var server ='myapp.js');
        //2. run script with cwd args, e.g. the harmony flag
        var server =['--harmony', 'myapp.js']);
        //this will achieve `node --harmony myapp.js`
        //you can access cwd args in `myapp.js` via `process.argv`
        //use to trigger server actions(notify, start or stop)['static/**/*.css', 'static/**/*.html'], function (file) {
          server.notify.apply(server, [file]);
        });'myapp.js', server.start.bind(server)); //restart my server
        // Note: try wrapping in a function if getting an error like `TypeError: Bad argument at TypeError (native) at ChildProcess.spawn`'myapp.js', function() {
  • Customized serving with gls

      gulp.task('serve', function() {
        //1. gls is the base for `static` and `new`
        var server = gls([gls.script, 'static', 8000]);
        //equals[gls.script, 'static', 8000]);
        //equals gls.static('static', 8000);
        //2. set running options for the server, e.g. NODE_ENV
        var server = gls('myapp.js', {env: {NODE_ENV: 'development'}});
        //3. customize livereload server, e.g. port number
        var server = gls('myapp.js', undefined, 12345);
        var promise = server.start();
        //optionally handle the server process exiting
        promise.then(function(result) {
          //log, exit, re-start, etc...
        //4. start with coffee-script executable e.g. installed with npm
        var server = gls('');
        //use to trigger server actions(notify, start or stop)['static/**/*.css', 'static/**/*.html'], function (file) {
          server.notify.apply(server, [file]);
        });'myapp.js', server.start.bind(server)); //restart my server
        // Note: try wrapping in a function if getting an error like `TypeError: Bad argument at TypeError (native) at ChildProcess.spawn`'myapp.js', function() {


static([folder][, port])

  • folder - String|Array The folder(s) to serve. Use array of strings if there're multi folders to serve. If omitted, defaults to public/.
  • port - Number The port to listen on. Defaults to 3000.
  • return gls.

Config new server using the default server script, to serve the given folder on the specified port.


  • script - String The script file to run.
  • return gls.

Config new server using the given script.

gls(args[, options][, livereload])

  • args - String|Array The 2nd param for ChildProcess.spawn.

  • options - Object The 3rd param for ChildProcess.spawn, will be mixin into the default value:

        options = {
            cwd: undefined
        options.env = process.env;
        options.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';
  • livereload - Boolean|Number|Object The option for tiny-lr server. The default value is 35729.

    • false - will disable tiny-lr livereload server.
    • number - treated as port number of livereload server.
    • object - used to create tiny-lr server new tinylr.Server(livereload);

gls here is a reference of var gls = require('gulp-live-server'). It aims to assemble configuration for the server child process as well as the tiny-lr server. static and new are just shortcuts for this. Usually, static and new will serve you well, but you can get more customized server with gls.


  • execPath - String The executable that is used to start the server. If none is given the current node executable is used.
  • return promise from Q, resolved with the server process exits.

Spawn a new child process based on the configuration.


Stop the server.


  • event - Event Event object passed along with Optional when used with pipe.

Tell livereload.js to reload the changed resource(s)


gulp-live-server comes with tiny-lr built in, which works as a livereload server. livereload.js is served by tiny-lr, but in order to get it loaded with your page, you have 3 options( to inject <script src="//localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script> into your page):

Usually, if http://localhost:35729/livereload.js is accessible, then your livereload server is ok, if you don't have the script tag for livereload.js in you page, you've problem with either your chrome plugin or the connect-livereload middle-ware as mentioned above.


If you want more output, set the DEBUG environment variables to * or gulp-live-server.

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