Static asset revisioning by appending content hash to filenames
Make sure to set the files to never expire for this to have an effect.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-revv
var gulp = ;var revv = ; gulp;
rev.manifest([path], [options])
Type: string
Default: "rev-manifest.json"
Manifest file path.
Type: string
Default: process.cwd()
Override the base
of the manifest file.
Type: string
Default: process.cwd()
Override the cwd
(current working directory) of the manifest file.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Merge existing manifest file.
Original path
Original file paths are stored at file.revOrigPath
. This could come in handy for things like rewriting references to the assets.
Asset hash
The hash of each rev'd file is stored at file.revHash
. You can use this for customizing the file renaming, or for building different manifest formats.
Asset manifest
var gulp = ;var rev = ; gulp;
An asset manifest, mapping the original paths to the revisioned paths, will be written to build/assets/rev-manifest.json
By default, rev-manifest.json
will be replaced as a whole. To merge with an existing manifest, pass merge: true
and the output destination (as base
) to rev.manifest()
var gulp = ;var rev = ; gulp;
You can optionally call rev.manifest('manifest.json')
to give it a different path or filename.
Sourcemaps and Because of the way gulp-concat
handles file paths, you may need to set cwd
and path
manually on your gulp-concat
instance to get everything to work correctly:
var gulp = ;var rev = ;var sourcemaps = ;var concat = ; gulp
This plugin does not support streaming. If you have files from a streaming source, such as browserify, you should use gulp-buffer before gulp-rev
in your pipeline:
var gulp = ;var browserify = ;var source = ;var buffer = ;var rev = ; gulp;
For more info on how to integrate gulp-rev into your app, have a look at the integration guide.
Works with gulp-rev
- gulp-rev-replace - Rewrite occurences of filenames which have been renamed
- gulp-rev-css-url - Override URLs in CSS files with the revved ones
- gulp-rev-outdated - Old static asset revision files filter
- gulp-rev-collector - Static asset revision data collector
- rev-del - Delete old unused assets
- gulp-rev-loader - Use rev-manifest with webpack
MIT © Sindre Sorhus