
1.4.5 • Public • Published


Gunnerfy is a set of convenience commands that wrap the AWS (CLI, AppSync and Amplify), Serverless Framework, React and Expo and assist in the setup and workflow of a serverless platform in a multi-developer team, leveraging AWS best practices.

If you are not familiar with the above technology stack, Gunnerfy is not for you.

Setup is based off of this starter template

Please check out our usage videos



Install the following

  1. Brew: $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Python: $ brew install python; brew upgrade python
  3. AWS CLI or $ brew install awscli; brew upgrade awscli
  4. Setup your aws cli if you haven't: aws configure
  5. Git
  6. NVM
  7. Node: nvm install 12


$ nvm use 12
$ npm install gunnerfy -g

Create a new Platform

$ gunnerfy new <project-name> -o <organization-name>


Fine Grained Access Control

Allow gunnerfy to create a new group for each environment.

This gives developers fine-grained access to the different environments, i.e., developers can only access their environment and not the staging, production environments.

$ gunnerfy new sample-project -o SampleClient
$ gunnerfy new sample-project -o SampleClient -s staging
$ gunnerfy new sample-project -o SampleClient -s production

Lax Access Control

If you only want one group created for all the environments in the project, pass a group name to the command.

This will create fewer groups, but each environment will be in one group, meaning a developer in the group will have access to all of the environments.

$ gunnerfy new sampleProject -o SampleClient -g sampleProjectGroup
$ gunnerfy new sampleProject -o SampleClient -s staging  -g sampleProjectGroup
$ gunnerfy new sampleProject -o SampleClient -s production  -g sampleProjectGroup


When you create the project in sentry, make sure you use the exact <project-name> as the project name

  1. Create a new project
  2. Note the url (i.e.
  3. gunnerfy set-var -n sentry-url -v <url>

Adding a Team Member

  1. Dev requests access to <base-stage> from team lead (where pull requests are submitted, i.e. staging) with their IAM <user-name>
  2. If approved, team lead will add dev's IAM user to the IAM group with access to base-stage
$ gunnerfy users add -u <user-name> -s <base-stage>
  1. The app will print the team lead a command to send to the new developer for them to run like this:
$ gunnerfy add-project <project-name> -s <baseStage>

RDS Schema Migrations and Codegen (optional)

While DynamoDB is the default data store, Gunnerfy also allows teams to build a serverless datastore using MySQL on RDS.

$ cd <project-name>
$ gunnerfy generate migration -n <migration-name> -s <sql-statement>
$ gunnerfy migrate
$ amplify env checkout <stage>
$ amplify api add-graphql-datasource


Running Locally


$ gunnerfy develop

React Client

$ cd react-client
$ STAGE=<stage> npm run start

React Native Client

$ cd react-native-client
$ STAGE=<stage> npm run <simulator> (ios|android)

Start of iteration

$ git checkout <base-stage (staging|prodution>; git pull; # this makes sure you have the latest code and hotfixes
$ git checkout <stage>; git merge <base-stage>
$ amplify env checkout <stage>

Work on issues

$ git checkout -b <issue-number>
$ # work work work
$ gunnerfy deploy backend # if you need to make backend changes
$ git add .; git commit -am “closes #<issue-number>”
$ git checkout <stage>
$ git merge <issue-number>
$ git push
$ git branch -D <issue-number>
$ # Repeat on all issues assigned

Submit pull request

Each developer on the project will submit a pull request at the end of the iteration

$  gunnerfy git-submit -i <iteration-end-date: (format: YYYYMMDD)> -t <target-stage>

Approve pull requests

Team lead reviews and approves pull requests

$ gunnerfy git-approve -i <request-id> -s <stage> # gunnerfy git-approve -i 2 -s staging
$ # repeat above for all pull requests
$ gunnerfy git-tag -s <stage> -i <iteration-end-date (format: YYYYMMDD)>



$ gunnerfy deploy backend -s <stage>

React Native Front End

$ gunnerfy deploy mobile -s <stage>

React Front End

$ gunnerfy deploy web -s <stage>

Recommended Training Material

  1. IAM Cross Account Access
  2. Amplify GraphQL
  3. Amplify Workflow
  4. Amplify VSCode Extension
  5. Amplify with AppSync
  6. Serverless Framework Docs
  7. AWS CloudFormation Docs
  8. AppSync with Aurora
  9. Expo Docs
  10. React Native Docs
  11. React Docs
  12. Apollo Docs
  13. Ramda Docs
  14. RxJS Docs
  15. AppSync Docs


If you want to delete an account, simply close the account.

However, you should also remove the IAM Group and IAM Policy in the main account as well


See gunnerfy.js for full list of commands. Run $ gunnerfy <command> --help for more information


  1. Git 403 error
  2. error: uncaughtException: The security token included in the request is expired


Please see the issues section on Github for a list of development and documentation items.

If you have an issue or question, please feel free to open a new issue.

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npm i gunnerfy

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  • codyswann